
I just emitted a loud and terrified "HAAUGH!" upon seeing this image.

Whatever.  What about the evil blonde kid with the crying and the flopping of hair??  He's awesome.  He could be the Billy to Quinto's McMurphy.

I feel like this JUST became a thing and now we're already complaining there's too much of it.  For pete's sake, the first ever L.A. Podfest just got funded on Kickstarter -it hasn't even happened yet.
I guess it seems that way if you're a media critic.  I have a boring job and I take the bus two hours a day. Comedy

Well, I take the bus so there's two hours a day when I'm listening to podcasts etc.  Or also, while cleaning/cooking.
I just now discovered there are comedy albums on Spotify (don't know why I didn't realize that) and listened to Maron's latest album while surfing around online/doing dishes.
Seems like in the past

There's a reason for that stereotype. 
And yes, I overly romanticize it.

Plus, not all comedians are working out their material on the podcasts as mentioned in this article.  Maron does a bit -but I've listened to a LOT of PFT on various podcasts over the last year and having just gone to his one hour special at Largo, all the material was entirely new to me.  And it was awesome.

"Cut the soles off your shoes, sit in a tree and learn to play the flute?"

To be fair, there's always money in the banana stand.

Sure, but if there were two separate incidents, the first would've been mentioned in the second story.  I'm putting too much thought into this.  I think I'll make a dress out of cereal boxes and stand on Santa Monica Blvd. for a while.

See, I'm confused because yesterday they said it was Jack Sparrow that Catwoman pepper sprayed.  There was no mention of Ozzie Osbourne.  Although some of the costumes are questionable.  I s'pose a really bad Ozzie Osbourne could be mistaken for Jack Sparrow.  There was also mention of an alien.  I gotta go down there

Walk on down to the Dresden, get faced, then go to Skylight and buy that book Dingle and Junior wrote about how to make money writing bullshit for studios.*

I'm actually really suprised by the grade.  By Heigl standards C+ is an A.

I don't judge him for the chainsaw fucking/whore/slut word vomit.  He might've been attempting something that wasn't working.  I once did an open mic about my mother dying of cancer that was less fun to watch than the rape scene in Irreversible.

I forget what Channing Tatum looks like when I'm looking at Channing Tatum.

Righto.  I figured.

Hey, who knows?  Maybe he's having some kind of break and he'll come out the other side a better person writing good material.  Stranger things…

No, I didn't.  But I take it back anyway.  I forgot about I Love You, Philip Morris.  He played southern in that and I thought he was great.

Hmm…Risk arrest or watch at my dad's house…

I thought the best part of Cross on Nerdist was him talking about being trapped on a cruise ship.  Though when he told it on Nerdist it was very funny.  When he tried to tell the same story on Conan, he came across as a petulant celebrity.
It really upset me to learn that given I was a teenager in the 90's, had I gone

Sadly, I agree with your list.  It would be awesome if any of those people were actually on.
I'm hoping for more old timers like Bob Newhart, Don Rickles… Joan Rivers!