
Don't forget Robin William's recalling his internal 'should I get commit suicide' monologue. 

It's a lot of handsome for one movie.  I look forward to Scott and Hamm discussing it on Comedy Bang Bang.

I agree.  Also, it's already unconvincing, like when Ewan tries to sound American.

I'm thinking (hoping) his hotness goes the Clooney route rather than the Baldwin route.

Sepinwall's article about this session was written in media res.  It was like an early episode of Breaking Bad. 

My dad is excited to watch Jane By Design on ABC Family.  He's excited about that and Parenthood (which is okay).
If he tells me how good The New Girl is again, I'm going to have to kill him.

If the alternate subtitle considered for this program was The James Adomian Show with Paul F. Tompkins, I'm all about it.

Definitely as entertaining I think.  There were just a couple of directions they went in that disappointed me -I was excited that did something really tragic and dark and then nope, happy ending.  And then that thing with the guy from the big boat…you know what I'm talking about.  But I have no scorn.

I give it an F for the giant white-eyed nun head bus stop ads that have been startling the shit out of me for two weeks.

Yeeeah, but to me any crapiness on BSG is still forgiven by that awesome time skip shot of Gaius as a year passes in Lay Down Your Burdens.

I just swallowed the whole series in the last couple weeks -I was too young to appreciate it when it was on.  I now fully adore the mad evil genius of Livia Soprano.  Although, just as when I watched it when I was younger, I still feel existentially desperate after every episode.

How is it possible I've read the word "obscurantist" in two unrelated pieces in the space of an hour and I've never seen that word before?  It's like that time I watched Partridge Family for the first time as a kid and it was the one where they got skunked and like twelve years later I happened to watch Partridge


I have no problem admitting that I'll watch just about anything involving Maggie Smith and footmen.
That said, yeah I saw the second season too.  It gets very silly.  But I still love it.
Hey, there's always volleyball.  ( I just watched that sketch yesterday)

Super sweet in person.  If you see him, talk to him.

I think the anticipation that may destroy us is waiting to find out what the hell Mike "The Cleaner" Ehrmentraut is going to say on his return from Mexico.

Yup, that's what I was gonna say.

As this just showed up on Netflix Instant, I just watched it for the time.  I'm not bitching like a sulky fanboy or anything, but I'm surprised by the review.  I was cackling and grinning through the whole thing.  Maybe it was Tudyk and Labine's charm carrying it, but I thought it was great fun.  Eh, to each his own I

Relax.  It's a Patton Oswalt bit about Death Bed: The Bed That Eats People.  If you don't know Rape Stove, that means you don't know the comedy album Werewolves and Lollipops.  Go listen to it.  You will laugh hard.

And it's not even February.  (Shudder.  February.)