
Almost better?

It occurs to me that venn diagrams of Edgar Wright fans and Community fans have got to be…pretty much just the one circle.

I just came here to tell everybody that Spaced is on Netflix Instant.  Spaced!

Having paid not much attention to music this year, these Spotify lists are much fun, though very hit and miss for my tastes.  Thanks, A.V. Club!  Started to listen to Amor Fati, thought I might gag, stopped, tried again, suddenly enjoyed it.  Can't explain.  Don't know if I'll ever be down with Destroyer though.

"The boy had to get himself correct."
Always liked that one.
Also;  "I'll slap the bright out his eyes."  I mean that's a brilliantly depressing turn of phrase there.

I can see why you'd think so but I've gotten into too many cool things because of 'what did you watch this week' not to enjoy it.  I would never have watched Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon, obviously) if not for that.
And for some weird reason, I don't mind Smug Asshole.  Maybe just because we have similar

A few of my favorite movie-related podcasts arent' likely to be written about here.  Slashfilm is in my top 5, but it's really just movie reviews so I wouldn't expect them to be mentioned here.  Also Film Spotting and Battleship Pretension.
I heartily miss the IFC News Podcast.  They were great.

The most awkward part of Drunk Jon Hamm was how nobody was willing to say out loud that he was shit faced.  Pardo kept mentioning how "sleepy" he was.  Until later somebody mentioned Hamm's "gin sandwich".  Holmes?  Was Holmes even there?  It was like 3am, I was delirious and eating pecan pie at the time. 

I think there's something to that Halloween theory though.  Because Tate ran off with the Breakfast Club of the Dead chasing him.  Was that the same day he went to the beach or whatever with Violet?

I can understand how Promotheus got leaked on the internet, but how the hell did that half-baked half-assed footage of Robin Hood get leaked to theaters?  Good GOD, man.

I'm just now catching up with this show and I'm ashamed to admit how much the Tate/Violet plot hit my Young Adult AnGst-spot just right.  Tate not wanting to remember/accept what he did in life is my favorite part of show…probably because it reminds me of Angel or Spike or something.

I love Phone/Foam Corner!  I think because I love that somebody who must have talent (since he writes for the funniest comedy going right now -yeah, I love Community too, but I find it innovative whereas Parks & Rec makes me laugh more often) bothers to tell such awful non-jokes.  And Scott and the Guest's reactions

I've had a weird fascination with sex, lies and videotape since high school.  Also really like Kinsey and Auto Focus…
I don't think this means anything.

Sssssooooo am I to assume that Mortenson and Fassbender don't get into any slashy Magneto/Aragorn awesome-and-intelligent-dude/gorgeous-actor naked hijinks?

Hmm.  Well, she was a Potential Slayer and then Willow gave them all powers.  Can't remember if she survived that last battle or not…

Disagree.  Think he got away unscathed. He does whatever he wants; motorcylce around the world, documentary about polar bears, Chris Plummer movie, Philip Morris…Think he's just fine.  And the only man Louis CK wants to blow, btw.

Me too!  I taped all the episodes off MTV (or my mom did, because I was five).  Saw them live in '86 or so and Weird Al opened.  It was magical.  Head is bonkers but I like it. 

I can agree to that.  I did like the first third or so.  And yeah, probably not fair to compare it to The Road -I guess I haven't read pop in a while.

Yeah, I'm almost done with it and I'm stumped as to why it's so beloved.  Although it's the first King novel I've ever read.
A lot of times while reading it I'll think, "Oh yeah, The Road did this…but way better." (I know, I know, The Road came later)

What's UYD?  That sounds funny.
I miss words.  Remember words?