
Ditto.  The title of that news story should be Wayne Knight Is Not Dead, It's Some Other Guy.

Obviously you didn't watch Carrie when you were 9 because your usually protective mother had a sudden aneurysm and allowed you too (leading to later joking pantomimes of crucifying her to the wall, ha ha). 
Traumatised me for a WHILE.
Now I love it.  Though yeah, any of Cronenberg's screwy head trips are more

Notable: Abed seems to be the only one in the Evil Timeline who wasn't effected by the chaos that happened in it.  Annie's crazy, Pierce is dead, Jeff has one arm, Troy lost his larynx, and Britta has a blue streak.  Abed is impervious?

Damn!  I'm rewatching the first three episodes after watching Chaos Theory again and that was exactly the theory I'd come up with!  Came here to see if people were discussing it.  I thought maybe different eps were taking place in different timelines.    That would've been cool…Or maybe I've been watching too much

Unfortunately none of this erases my idiot fangirl conviction that NOTHING WILL EVER BE AS GOOD AS BREAKING BAD EVER AGAIN!
It's hard not to think that.

Hey man, Star Trek/Doctor Who/Battlestar fan who likes Project Runway right here.

Damn.  Somebody beat me to the Polyjuice joke.  Um…so, what'd you need a wand for?  Can't handle a simple Confringo spell?  Lose you wand allegiance or something?  Heh…yeah.  Eh…

I'm waiting for two more podcasts that cover Breaking Bad to come out with their thoughts on the finale and after that I will be bereft.

All I gathered from Cranston's interview was that there was probably more to the ricin thing than meets the eye, but I thought the 'object' in the last shot would be the 'lucky cigarette.'

After the hubbub over the camera angle last season, I can see why he spelled it out.

I think season 3 is the best if only for the Wendy montage.

I think season 3 is the best if only for the Wendy montage.

But this is the genius thing; Walt's downward spiral into evil is so gradual that along the way we keep excusing him to some degree.  "Well, yeah, but Jane would've been the death of Jesse and she tried to blackmail Walt."  or "Well, yeah, but Lily of the Valley doesn't have to be fatal."  Like what more does he have

My fantasy ending is for Jesse to mature enough to realize he can be a good man and turn Walt in before Walt (most likely) dies in a hail of gunfire or some such and somewhere in there I'd like Jesse to have a conversation with Junior or Skyler.  Can you guess my favorite character…hmm.

I thought that was Gus's car still sitting there?

I think it's only jumping the shark if you do something crazy for ratings.  That phrase is crazy over used.
It's like Chekov's shark.

Ack, I heard that too and I thought the same thing!  But to me it supports the theory that Brock wasn't poisoned at all and just happened to be sick.

I'd rather see them pick up one of the other shows Tom Lennon has talked about pitching.  I think one was about a bunch of people working in stores in a strip mall (I don't remember the details, but I remember it sounded funny).  The other one was something like Reno 911 in spaaaaaace.

I don't think Walt would do that at this point.  Also, has Walt ever made a move that big without the audience seeing it?  We usually see things from his point of view.  Although a lot of people think he has cancer again and hasn't told anyone.

"Yo, Mr. White?  You're not gonna believe this but…"