GG Tim Allin

Wasn't he candy assing about Murdoch & Ailes earlier today?

Yesterday morning my homepage had a headline along the lines of, "Wilmore Bombs at WHCD -CNN.COM". How touchy of them.

First time I saw him on The Five, he made some lame crack at Jon Stewart's expense. Perino immediately smacked him down for only having the guts to say it a week after Stewart's retirement, knowing he couldn't return fire . Smirk Boy looked cowed for about a second and a half.

Ugh, Watters is the worst. It's like a Fox focus group said, "I like Hannity, I just wish he was 200% smarmier."

It's like Rob Zombie's Jose Chung's From Outer Space.

I take it Goodwill is his video store?

In my high school fry cook job we'd know they were ready to pull when the little nub of cheese started to form on one end. It was like the little plastic popper in a turkey breast.

Would make an interesting cock ring (depending on one's girth).

Would make an interesting cock ring (depending on one's girth).

Sparkx and chill.

Hey, The Sparksmarillion will fill in all the gaps.

And Heather Graham confirmed she's not involved, leading some to believe Leigh is the new Annie.

Rod Fox licks himself.

A futuristic Silk Stalkings perhaps?

Isn't there some big thing going on how McD's fries the sticks till the cheese melts and dribbles out and it's just hollow, fried coating in a box? Too perfect.

As long as the ghost of Chris Farley (in lunch lady garb) is dancing around the fryer.

The ads show fries AND nuggets. The impression is it was Wendy's idea and BK instantly swiped it. It's like the world's saddest arms race.

Speaking of these Wendy's & Burger King meal deals, am I the only one disturbed by the notion of nuggets being some kind of secondary side dish? I'm not an "obesity epidemic" hysteric, but Jesus.

"Most women, regardless of sexual orientation, have been known to spontaneously climax being in his presence or merely walking past him on a sidewalk. Not that Mr. Johnson is one to brag…"

I did that same tour a few summers ago and the guide made a crack about DMB not being in town so we could keep our umbrellas put away. Most people didn't seem to get the reference.