
This show kind of changed tones after season 5. (I know a lot of people hate that one too, but I don't think it's nearly as stupid as season 6.)

That really is, in retrospect, where they should have ended this show.

I am ashamed to say I have watched every episode of this show.

She's all, DAMN, Harrison, that was supposed to be for you.

This dipshit is probably going to cast a new Dexter, since presumably Michael C. Hall is going to go wander off into the desert looking for Jesus, now that he's been set free from having to be on Scott Buck's moronic show.

No use arguing with anyone who liked seasons 6-8… they're obviously delusional.

Yup. I have genuinely enjoyed the hell out of "Hannibal," and I'm going to cry if it ever ends up like "Dexter."

The writers have been shitting on the audience for three seasons now. :(

Yeah, I always sort of felt, watching seasons 1-5, that there WAS some ultimate plan… an ending like this one actually isn't bad at all, and kind of makes sense. It's like when Scott Buck got control over the show, he decided to delete all of the files the previous group of writers had saved about the show's ultimate

…Or it would be astounding, if seasons 6-8 didn't exist.

After taking a peek (out of morbid curiosity), he may be an alpha male, but he is FAR from good-looking.

Sarcasm? Please be sarcasm?

Great point about "Californication." It was kind of a cool idea in the beginning, but you're right — it wound up a lot like this show, meandering along and going so off-course from where it started. I love Duchovny (big "X-Files" fan), but I stopped watching a long time ago. And it feels like that show's been on

I don't regret watching seasons 1, 2 or 4. I didn't really mind season 5, but after that, SO MANY REGRETS.

It's insane how bad this show got after he took over. INSANE.

Biggest point being — WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT SAXON? And screw Vogel, too. I couldn't stand a THING about her, from her retconned storyline to her stupid son to the way she said "Dexter" all weird. This was by far the worst season of the show, and that's saying a LOT, given "Hello, whore" and everything else that

Right? This show could have ended with some dignity a couple of seasons ago. There really was plenty they could have done to make a legitimate ending that made sense and didn't make all the viewers want to blow their brains out.

Too late — the brain surgeon already removed your brain. Now you have to go work for Miami Metro. Even better? Quinn's your new partner.

Seriously, the last line of your post crossed my mind numerous times after the credits rolled on this turd.

I guess we'll always have the whores.