
Right? I see a genuine case for enjoying seasons 1-4. (I kind of hated the Miguel Prado stuff, but I guess I'm in the minority there?) Maybe even parts of season 5. But if you're standing up for ANYTHING in seasons 6-8, you are just as crazy as the "writers" of this show.

Seriously, how did this guy ever get a job?

Ugh — WHY I sat through so many seasons of Dexter is beyond me. The first couple of seasons told stories that were sort of interesting, but the last couple of seasons have been complete garbage. Not saying this show was ever GREAT TV, but it had its moments.

Strengths: Kenneth, Jack, sometimes Tracy
Weaknesses: Liz, Liz, oh and Liz

I dunno — my momma cries and says I'm too cynical, but I'd do Mr. Rudd. Bad things.

What fun is James Spader neutered, anyway?

If you know enough Portland hipster types, then you get why this is funny, regardless of whether or not you yourself are in fact a hipster. Half of my friends are living the Portlandia dream up in Portland; I myself didn't quite see the lure, since 50 percent of them are jobless. (But loving it.)

Stopped watching awhile ago, mostly but despite Baldwin being Baldwin, Jack is definitely the best part of the show.

I definitely think season 2 was a solid season. I didn't love "IT Crowd" after watching some of the first season, but watching Roy and his "disability" at "Gay: The Musical" changed my mind.

She's hilarious — show wouldn't work without her. Did anyone happen to see the U.S. pilot? The U.S. actors were horrible. I like Joel McHale, but he doesn't have that Roy vibe.

My boyfriend now loves randomly screaming, "Faaaaaatheeeeeeeeeer!" Thanks, Matt Berry. Also, his "Snuffbox" line, "Whiskeeeeeeeeey!"

I love 'em all, but there's something more deliciously twisted about "Darkplace." Also, I love that Matt Berry's character is inexplicably named "Sanch." (For Dr. Sanchez.)

Well, I find season 2 to be the best, but there are some funny moments in season 1. As a major EPL fan — and Arsenal fan — the episode where they pretend to know about soccer is hilarious. Seasons 3 and 4 are worth watching, thanks to Mr. Matt Berry.

And then 5 seconds later when they weren't ready to be together, it became obnoxious and contrived and loathsome.

Yep. Barf. Get the skanks, stupid. I liked you better when you were a hopeless skirtchaser.

Herman Cain says Herman Cain has never fathered anybody or touched anybody. Just took showers with them.

That reminds me — I just saw season 4 of "Dexter," and now I'm thoroughly creeped out every time Lithgow hits the screen. Like, sorry Barney, but your dad's a serial killer.

I can say that I've been the "victim" of laced weed before. Meth happens.

This hip-hop is too soft for girls. We like it… hard… yo.

Sorry, Drake, but I can't hear your music over the scream of adoring 12-year-olds. Hell yeah this dude is soft.