"Not every nook and cranny, John."
"Not every nook and cranny, John."
It's not like parents aren't giving their kids "some ridiculous ass" names nowadays anyway.
I can't comment on the other streaming devices interfaces now but the PS3 used to have the best. Now it's just abysmal. I have no idea why they had to change it.
You're missing half the joy of watching Rick and Morty then.
No NEPTR? And I thought the A.V. Club loved Adventure Time.
Oh, wow! A "Great Job, Internet!" actually worthy of that title.
I feel like I want to to do the one episode a day thing and keep up with the reviews but this first episode was so good that I want more. Maybe two episodes a two? It has kind of become my go to over the past year with stuff like this. Just enough to sate but still plenty of time to mull over and digest.
And it's still one of his best. I'm glad we're past that stage where Anderson's idiosyncrasies were seen as a hindrance.
I just want to say thank you to the A.V. Club for acknowledging Edge of Tomorrows proper title.
I'm still waiting for Blunt to get a proper MCU role. It's only a matter of time, right?
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Thank you for reminding me how miserable the music industry has been over the last two decades.
Works for Joel McHale.
Because Joffrey is a bastard king!
They bring Ser Pounce the kingly footwear he so deserves.
So Quentyn?
"It's a jumping off point."
So, was this secretly Cage's audition for Tommy Wiseau?
To be fair, Catelyn isn't even that good of, or interesting a character anyway and her chapters only serve to forward the plot and give a viewpoint for other, more interesting characters. She's a complete byproduct of Martin's edict of no king POVs.
Throw in Edna Mode and I'd keep watching week in and week out.