
For me it's Check it Out. Dr. Steve Brule is an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

This question has made me think of just how miraculous the popularity of Rick and Morty is. For all intents and purposes it should be a show that fits this list to a tee, but somehow it's caught on.

Hannibal fits the bill, if only because it's hard to get people to shake the idea that a television adaptation of a very famous film could ever be worthwhile.

The last season of Louie is worth it if only for "Untitled" which is one of the best single episodes of any show ever.

Jesus, Cunk, they're minerals.

Sure, it's easy to read the stereotypes in Merchant as anti-Semitic on the part of ol' Will but when you put in context, there's really nothing else he had to go on other than stereotypes. Jews weren't living in England at that time and Shakespeare would have never met one.

This seems as good a spot as any to mention how happy I was when I recently read that this season is gonna be back down to 10 episodes like season 1. I'll defend season 2 for a lot of things but it could have tightened up a bit and I feel the extra episode count hurt it.

Yeah, he's clearly talking about the mid-credits scene.

I was under the impression this was always the plan, and that she would be in Part 2 after her own movie.

I've been trying to remember the name of that show for a while now. I almost thought I dreamt it up.

I was nostalgic from a very early age.

I keep seeing Madchen Amick. The whole diner waitress thing in Baby Driver probably doesn't help.

There actually are no bras in the Star Wars universe. According to Lucas there's "no underwear in space."

Having the Bigger, Blacker Box nets you the "Box" expansion which contains a bunch of cards from the main set with "box" replacing one of the words. They're pretty ridiculous and for whatever reason go over like gangbusters with the group I usually play with.

I just hope they have Bradley purposely flub his lines. Give it that really authentic First Doctor feel.

I never realized it before now, but I need to see Worf encounter a ball pit.

I was ready to say that episode was before "The Name of the Doctor" but no, they both aired the same day.

Slightly off topic, but do we know if Twelve's regeneration is supposed to take place this season or in the Christmas special? Obviously, this is maybe spoilery so… use appropriate tags I guess.
