I think every show could use The Flash's CG crew, at least for fire and explosions.
I think every show could use The Flash's CG crew, at least for fire and explosions.
Your basic "It's Always Sunny" plot these days.
Major opportunity lost. It's like not posting "DENTAL PLAN!" as the first post on a "Last Exit to Springfield" review.
And with such witty retorts I bet you'd fit right in too.
Two and a half men sure would leave a large hole to fill.
I'd rather say it's far more remarkable that despite the easy and expected out of making the male characters a bunch of sheepish oafs they're all rather well rounded, intelligent, and fleshed out characters.
Only if George Lucas gets his way. Please tell me George Lucas will never get his way.
And most those that do only know her from googling her "scenes" in the show.
I'd weep tears, sweet salty tears, of joy.
This isn't Real Time with Bill Mahr.
It reads better as a whole which is really what you should expect from Morrison. As far as his work goes it's in the middle. Some lows but some good highs and definitely worth checking out if you're a Morrison fan.
What I meant was kill him in the very first episode. It's clearly a thing Whedon had on his mind for a while.
I also believe he wanted to do it with the character of Doyle on Angel but the network wouldn't allow it.
Prince of Persia, while being fairly technically sound, commits the cardinal sin of just being boring and unmemorable. Honestly, before reading this comment I completely forget it was even a thing that I was dragged to and made to sit and watch.
It was less a send-off and more the fact that Whedon had always wanted to add an actor as a regular in the credits then kill them in the same episode.
"Dusty Old Bones!"
Marvel seems to have found that marketing sweet spot where they rebrand everything with each creative change. This makes every series more of a mini/maxi instead of an ongoing right off the bat. That way, people know they can get invested in a series and that it'll have a beginning, middle, and end. I'd even argue…
Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, Batman, Batman and Robin, iVampire, All-Star Western, Demon Knights, Frankenstein: Agent of Shade, Batwing, Green Lantern (if you'd been following Johns), Aquaman, Flash, Action Comics. I didn't read all of these then but I definitely got the impression that they were all good to…
I think people actually forget about all of the diverse and creative books that actually launched at the onset of New 52. Whether this is because many of them didn't last more than 12-16 issues or because people just have this whole negative view on the whole thing now (not to mention then), I don't know. But there…