Key word "better." Marvel's perfected the art of pandering at this point with their constant film influenced creative decisions, feminist bent, and tumblr baiting.
Key word "better." Marvel's perfected the art of pandering at this point with their constant film influenced creative decisions, feminist bent, and tumblr baiting.
If they only knew how to pander better maybe they could be more like Marvel.
I get the impression Hickman loves to think he's Grant Morrison, he just took the wrong drugs.
Shows how much I really just don't fucking care.
If by "years of planning and preparation" you mean having Wolverine fuck up the time stream and making corporate mandated plots involving alternate dimensions/time lines through a number of books then yeah, I guess you could say that.
I don't really keep up with this stuff since I'm not a Marvel reader but I thought that Hickman's run was supposed to end before "Secrets Wars" and that it'll have no bearing on it.
I could be wrong, but I think that the Arrow tie-in started out being written by the show's writers.
I love Lemongrab. But I also love Tree Trunks so take that as you will.
I got some heavy video game vibes in this one. For one, Finn spying FP and CB dancing through the telescope reminded me a lot of Majora's Mask. Also, the inside of the mountain, with it's jagged green walls and ancient ruins evoked some very Dark Souls like imagery. I like the idea that those ruins remained in the…
Don't ever put that abortion of story on Straczynski. That was all corporate mandates and Joe Quesada's doing. JMS didn't even want to be associated with at all, so much so that he refused to have his name printed on the books.
Is that even a question?
Reed Richards makes everyone want to punch his face, no matter the iteration.
Too bad these quotes are from the even more abysmal CD-i games and not the cartoon.
I got more of a True Detective vibe initially. Dennis' McConaughey impression just sealed it.
I know it's the popular thing to harp on this show and I agree that it's got it's fair share of issues but I don't enough is said about the visual style of Gotham. No matter how bad the acting and writing may get the show is always visually impressive. From the CG to worn down, lived in sets, everything looks and…
I think the execution has been hit and miss. His initial introduction was grating, and I wish they'd lay off just a bit with the riddles but there are some things that I like. One thing that I wish they'd play up is the idea of him wanting to do good which is why he's on the police force. There's precedent for this…
I've been loving this show so far but all of the humor this week was just a bit off putting. Look, a little humor is necessary but this episode went over the top. It's a problem I've had with a lot of the MCU movies recently (TWS not withstanding, it was pretty pitch perfect). There's nothing wrong with being serious…
Yet I don't think he meant it as a comment against gender per se, instead as a comment about her general disillusionment about being hired as anything but a Flash beat writer. Things are different in real life and not anything like the paperbacks you might read in your spare time.
I guess now I have to officially say that I have a Ceaser shirt. The "Tire'd" shirt from the opening sequence. Hey, it was a random from a grab bag, don't look at me like that.
I didn't get a "chicks, pfft" vibe from Mason, or anyone else at the paper for that matter. I think his initial take on Iris came more from a place of general dislike for her optimistic yet disillusioned attitude. Also, her youth and lack of experience. I honestly doubt that a Pulitzer winner would carry that level of…