
It has Amanda Peet in it? Guaranteed to fail.

It gave us The Phantom Menace. That alone makes it a poor year.

Since when does rebooting a superhero franchise count as being a remake? And have you seen Marvel's recent output? Whether or not it's your thing I seriously doubt any of it can be considered "shitty." I'd be surprised if Daredevil breaks the trend.

It's gotta be an April show. March at the earliest.

As a show that I believe should have 6 "Best Drama" Emmy's I'll never understand that critical turn either. And really, they could have snagged all 7 but Breaking Bad deserved one and last year wasn't the strongest run of episodes for Mad Men, although it was only a half season.

Well, there's one one way to get me to never watch this movie.

I don't think that Netflix even has demographics. They just offer more creative control than the networks do, premium (which they essentially are) notwithstanding. They're kind of like Image comics in that regard. I mean, they do have original programming that is catered to children. This isn't to say that their MCU

Every ticket comes with a tab of acid to enhance the experience.

Obviously, I think there are exceptions, Punisher being one of them. If Marvel decides to integrate him into the MCU it'd be tricky and I can't really predict where they'd go with it. Hopefully, it would be the more mature route because that's what the character deserves. If that's the case though, I have a hard time

You're incredibly naive if you think Marvel is gonna allow any R-rated material into the MCU. Some of the Netflix shows will probably be a bit more mature in content, at least I hope that's the case, but the MCU is still a brand that's very focused on making money through merchandising and marketing towards children.

They have an uphill battle to beat Alexandra Daddario's breasts, imo. Those things had a real breakout year.

Betty can be despicable, yes, but that doesn't make her a bad character. Not at all like the afront to intelligence that Barbara has been.

Of course you're talking about diversity of PEOPLE. My aside about GENRE was just that, an ASIDE. READ.

I've never been a fan of this train of thought. You're basically asking them to go back 5-7 years and predict the social landscape now. Given the huge risks they were already taking at the time can you really blame them for not doing more? I know it's kind of a pessimistic attitude to take and I really hate having to

It's got Lawrence Fishburne. I don't care if it doesn't get major awards recognition, that's enough to make it prestige.

Reminds me I need to work on this Brazzers backlog.

Hopefully she's with Luke Skywalker now.

Ditto Hannibal. Watched it a few months back and was floored. At first it wasn't really connecting but I continued because I felt it had promise and loved the style of the show. I don't know when it clicked for me but it was toward the end of S1. There was a point where I figured out how to watch the show and it

They are a little a rough a little rough around the edges but there's so much joy and heart put into almost every episode that it doesn't even register. To me it's the very distillation of the nuclear family and the plots and messages still resonate today. Looking back it's hard to imagine why this show was

I don't want to say I discovered it since it was a childhood syndication staple, but thanks to FXX and a hefty DVR I've been able to rediscover The Simpsons and it's been a revelatory experience.