
They're rebooting Chuck already?

That's probably the one thing that saved the films ending.

I still can't believe it's by the guys responsible for the look and tone of the two best sitcoms of the past decade.

I know there's gonna be all these "Where's Guardians?" posts but for the record, I think Winter Soldier was the better film. It took more liberties with the Marvel formula and actually moved the universe forward. It transcended it's superhero trappings and was all the better for it. Plus, it's the best showing for a

"Thanks Lost."

As far as this Human Being is concerned, any of Community's three Christmas themed episodes is worth being on this list. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas has become annual viewing round these parts.

You could even say that Stephen Colbert, the character, will have left us by years end.

You want to talk about comedy dying? I think The Colbert Report ending can be in that conversation. Sure, we'll still have Stephen and his further late night endeavors, and even a replacement show, but it definitely won't ever be the same without the Report.

It's so good to finally be able to put a name to that ship in the final scene. That was killing me.

Arrow/Flash, Legend of Korra, and Over the Garden Wall were all criminally missing in my opinion.

The Thea twist doesn't bother me in the slightest. It makes sense within the context of the show and isn't an out and out assassination of her character. Plus, the places they can take her with that knowledge should be interesting and hopefully pay off.

East of West is his most character driven work and it does have some particularly good ones, including a few strong female characters. It's kept me invested, that's all I can say.

I've only read East of West from him but I'm of the understanding that his main draw is less character work and more world building and thoughtful plotting. He's kind of like the Christopher Nolan of comics. If that's not your bag that's fine. Me? I don't mind having one series like that, in fact, I welcome it, but

That's what I was getting at. It's become a complete and utter non factor at this stage of the game. It feels like the writers just swept it under the rug because of the negative reception from fans. It's a shame to me because I applauded them for taking the risk and thought they were doing some unique world building.

I actually find season 3 to be good to great throughout so it's a real shame reading this and being reminded that, yes, it's been mostly forgotten within the show. They tried to do something different and because of the negative fan backlash haven't done anything like it since. Instead, the show began to play it safe

I don't read Marvel on principle so no, I'm not reading Uncanny Avengers. And even if I did read Marvel I wouldn't read UA because the concept just pisses me off. I don't think it'd bother me so much if this team supplanted the actual Avengers but that was never going to happen. Instead we can just add another team to

I feel like the word "problematic" is overused these days. People constantly looking for things they deem wrong when they aren't really there but in this case I'll agree. Something just seems off about Remender. His concepts are great but the delivery, along with his characterizations aren't.

I enjoyed the first issue but the second just left a sour taste in my mouth. Couldn't deliver on the premise in my eye. Very nice art though.

Good luck with Mind MGMT, some of the early issues are on the pricier end of the spectrum now. It's a series that's worth having in floppies though since there's content only available in there. Come to think of it, there's also exclusive content in the hardcovers as well. Truly a unique and wonderful book. The fact

Let's not lie, they all bleed together.