
I'm just behind on it.

And I for one, will always forget The Event because "I was loaded, alright!"

Always gonna be "that guy from Alcatraz" to me.

If you can get past the fact that it's Nu52 it's a wonderful run full of good, updated characterization, interesting new characters and ideas, and absolutely gorgeous art. Basically, it's where Ollie should have started at the beginning of the Nu52. Worth it for the art alone, it's just icing that the writing is as

I thought it was Viola Davis playing Nina Sharp for some reason.

We can all hope. We can also all sell our souls for that hope but it'd probably backfire. Instead we'd end up with Alf back, in pog form.

And 20 years later we still need to have this conversation.

Breaking Bad is such an unusual case though. It's recognition grew exponentially in such a short period of time and so close to it's end. I can't really think of any show like it.

Despite the delays and current artist controversy, Rat Queens should be in the conversation as well.

Lemire and Sorrentino's run was consistently great throughout. Unless you're implying otherwise.

And possibly East of West.

Needs more Green Arrow.

They didn't white wash it either.

So they got a skinnier Nick Frost to play Constantine and had Christopher Ecclestein do the voiceover?

I was wondering why he did that. But I guess you probably wouldn't be thinking too straight if you were dying from a zombie bite while watching cannibals eat your leg too.

I'm the last person to actually defend this show's logic but I've always been under the impression that the zombies are pretty docile until something gets their attention. This is kind of an unfair criticism.

Professor X doesn't actually posses the power of telekinesis, just telepathy. Jean Grey, on the other hand, was able to move objects but that's because of the power of the Phoenix Force.

Judging by the look of it tonight, they didn't end up eating all that much of it.

"It was the best of climbs, it was the blurst of climbs!?"

A Tale of Two Ladders