Craig Mayhem

@A Grey Man Writes

Solid Gold
Wayland Flowers and Madame

I read about it yesterday in a post from AV Club commenter Dr. Acula.

His black puppet act was kinda racist and not in a hipster, post-ironic way.

that show was shit

most of them gain the weight back. Happy New Year!

It starts in January. Also there is HD BBC America. DishNetwork has it and DirecTV and some cable companies. Also, there's a place in France where the naked ladies dance. What a country!


Excellent. Executives get to order out of the SkyMall and have many items of wood and brass in their offices.

the biggest skin flap
this could be a side competition to Biggest Loser and involve plastic surgeons because they need more money. I watch nip/tuck, I know these things.

1. Get my ass to Jupiter to find out what went wrong with the U.S.S. Discovery.
2. Beans
3. Invent the office javelin
4. Single-handedly stop the entire sport of parkour
5. Convert beef into fashion jewelry
6. Write and record more mediocre heavy metal

looks like you got Dished up a serving of pwn.

My plan of making you self-conscious about it worked! Be your own person! Seriously though, I read everything on here and have a really good memory, so maybe it's just me noticing that you've mentioned it several times. On the bright side, it must be going well.

Hey everyone, Claire Zulkey is married.
Don't forget.

I am Gene Shalit
I Alas-dared to read this and I found his selections Mac-Lean on substance.

let's talk about the blockbuster
in my pants.

you know what else died this weekend?
comedy. it will be resurrected in 3 days though when another dumbass on youtube gets pwned by a car or monkey or both.

what can ya do? I crammed in math, physics, movies, the internet and a dick joke in one thin post. I am not meta enough.

who wants to give me 29 dimensions of oral?
that's called the "e-Harmony" it's more than 4 times better than the 'Buckaroo Banzai'

Here you go, jerkoffs
This will break your funny hymen and fuck you with haha: