
Seems a more reasonable forum than IMDB (ahem) on which to ask the following question: How in the ever-lumping heck did Crow and Tom get back into space to be in the new MST3K? Last we saw of them, some twenty years ago, they were settling in with Mike to (re-)watch "The Crawling Eye" in an apartment on Earth. I know

Cillian Murphy (our Mr. Joy) would've been totally up for that. "CHOP ME TH' FOOK UP, WOULD YEZ?!?" He's second only to Johnny Depp when it comes to being a very pretty boy who seems to think that slathering on the "ugly" (usually in the form of onscreen mutilation, elaborate deaths, or beatings) will make people take

I want that soundtrack. Now. Contrabassoon is amazing.

I'm with you on this one, Sir Winston. (I've had the slave-ship analogy
in my thoughts for weeks, too.) A hundred years from now, when all the
rhinos and elephants have been extinct in the wild for eighty years or
more, will moviemakers ask the viewing public to cheer the suffering of
those poor poachers who just

Guess my biggest "problem" is that being human doesn't automatically register as "more important" or more worthy of sympathy in my book. We're the most effortlessly destructive force this planet has ever known; worse than that, we are destructive not only by nature but by choice: hardly an enconium… and hardly

Which is why I hope that "heroes" like Shackleton are presently enjoying the heat in their own private corner of hell, while hell-dogs gnaw on their "heroic" bones for all eternity. Fuck you and your big-boy crew, Mr. Shackleton.

The outdoor photography looks like stock footage cribbed from National Geographic (maybe "icy" and "windswept" are artistically alluring to those from warmer climes; to those of us who live in such crap six months out of the year, they're old hat); the indoor photography is a murky, underlit mess; Connelly gives her

I take it you didn't see her dump a bucket of hurt on Cillian Murphy in "Red Eye"? Or— far more likely— you missed her best-ever performance as a scrappy, road-tripping Army vet in "The Lucky Ones" (not, repeat NOT, to be confused with "The Lucky One")?

So people with rabies are zombies. Got it.

I was under the impression that Boyle "guest-directed" the opening sequence where Robert Carlyle flees in the boat.

… especially-especially when the so-called "collapse of society" in "28 Days" happened less than a month before the events in the film— and by no means was it shown to be worldwide (Jim sees a commercial jetliner flying overhead, for crying out loud, when he escapes from the soldiers who are supposed to execute him).

So watching very, very bad people do something insidiously vile to an innocent man (on the say-so of said innocent man's business rival) really floats your boat. Got it.

So we have the threat of sexual violence because "this is the way the world is now." No: we have the threat of sexual violence on a fictional, fantasy-horror television program because the writers CHOOSE to put it there, and because the producers CHOOSE to play along with the writers. And then the viewing audience

In the meantime, why don't you crawl back in your cave, big boy? Oh, how DARE someone criticize rape and other appalling acts of violence against women as part of "entertainment"…! Accurate obviously enjoys it, Sonia, and it's a "part of life," so you and I had better just shut up— and, by doing so, reward not only

It's a great show if you like hour-long music videos. If you're into plot and characterization…. umm— Oh, dear….

Very much in agreement. Plenty of style, tons— and tons— of posing, all sorts of "cool" music… but very little in the way of actual substance. (Which is really sad, since writer Steven Knight penned "Dirty Pretty Things," a pretty great movie.) Add some very silly fight scenes (the razor-bladed-caps thing is just one

Allow me to be the person who won't even defend the first two acts. "Sunshine" is one of the stupidest sci-fi films ever made. (Send a crew of bickering, discipline-free morons to save the world…? Oh, please: don't.) It has gorgeous music and some very pretty visuals, but the script is "Dumb and Dumber… in Space."

Why watch it, then? Sounds like misogynistic, exploitative crap from here.

I would like to pre-nominate "Cry/Fly," Cillian Murphy's latest film, for the list. In it he plays a falconer whose mother (played by the reliably wooden Jennifer Connelly) becomes a faith healer. Yes, that is the plot. It's supposed to call into question the "very meaning of life and art" (or some such New Age crap:

You're pretty much alone. It's a dumb version of "Logan's Run" crossed with an even dumber version of "Bonnie and Clyde," and Roget's should use the fate of Cillian Murphy's character as a visual synonym for "stupid." (Why that guy can't learn to say "Are you fucking kidding me?" and walk away from a bad script, I'll