
Yes. Since he's played— what?— all of two bad guys in some thirty-odd films. Stock-villian-Cillian, that's who he is!

Yes. Since he's played— what?— all of two bad guys in some thirty-odd films. Stock-villian-Cillian, that's who he is!

I really liked the (much-hated) twist at the end, too. Seems to me the movie is less about whether paranormal stuff can be real (and about "magic") than it is about a guy losing his identity for the grim sake of accepting who— and what— he really is. We're so used to the X-Men take on this sort of material— oh, we're

I really liked the (much-hated) twist at the end, too. Seems to me the movie is less about whether paranormal stuff can be real (and about "magic") than it is about a guy losing his identity for the grim sake of accepting who— and what— he really is. We're so used to the X-Men take on this sort of material— oh, we're

No, because there's kind of a gap in plot there, too. What happened at the party after they fell out the window? Did the Joker just say to his goons, "Oh, all of the interesting people are gone. Let's leave."? Did he kill all the other guests with his terrifying four-inch paring knife? Who let Harvey out of the

No, because there's kind of a gap in plot there, too. What happened at the party after they fell out the window? Did the Joker just say to his goons, "Oh, all of the interesting people are gone. Let's leave."? Did he kill all the other guests with his terrifying four-inch paring knife? Who let Harvey out of the

Why? Because it's not a "real" zombie apocalypse unless the protagonist dies? That poor dope went through six shades of hell— and the U.K. was already decimated. Did they have to hit some sort of death quota to make it a "good" ending…? (Dang— we're at 37,999,999 dead! We needed just one more to make this EPIC.)

Why? Because it's not a "real" zombie apocalypse unless the protagonist dies? That poor dope went through six shades of hell— and the U.K. was already decimated. Did they have to hit some sort of death quota to make it a "good" ending…? (Dang— we're at 37,999,999 dead! We needed just one more to make this EPIC.)

Perhaps you can answer a couple of questions for me (not that I'll be back for the answers, since I'm pretty much requesting a flame-job to the face here):

I would— maybe— okay, sure, I'd do it— consider dropping the use of "crotch"-whatevers in refrerence to offspring if the producers of said offspring would stop insisting that the only truly responsible thing we can do as adults is to produce offspring. Holding a job, doing well at that job, getting a college degree,

So… she goes from being sort of the show's baddie-folks-love-to-hate to being A MOM (because that's what ALL WOMEN WANT, right?), and not only that, she has to be the mom of a dainty snowflake with (in a reverent whisper now) "special needs" (which may or may not happen, but given the way this show goes, it's exactly

So… these douchewits went through something that made them feel really, really awful, and now they want to share that experience with the world. In other words, they know exactly how emotionally exposed parents are when it comes to their kids (I don't have kids; I'm just going on what people were saying farther down