
I wanted the show to work, I really did and I still have high hopes for it. The acting is actually quite good except for the crazy aunt whom I didn't like. But the plots need massive improvement. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

This show disappointed me, but there were good moments and I can't help but root for it to succeed. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I do think that Joe telling Tom not to lie to him is more than  a bit rich but probably one of the worst things he can say and I also didn't like the Steve character. The show was moody but brilliant. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I do not believe that parents should take money from the savings bond of one of their children and I can see why Axl would be furious though he doesn't understand the situation as well as he should. And it was rude that the roommate didn't even bother to turn his head or something to acknowledge the presence of others

The episode was great though some of the plots have sort of been done before like with Frankie forgetting to mail the checks for Sue, but knowing Frankie, she would probably forget a lot of stuff. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

It was well-acted and the plot was good, but it wasn't that funny, so therefore it wasn't that enjoyable. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

Unfortunately, that's the direction I think the show will take. The line that Ellie told Susan, "How did you not know?" is key. I can only hope I'm wrong.

Thank you for mentioning that. I, also, think that Christy's house is way too nice for a person with her salary. I had a rant about that in my blog. And, in addition to being too big, it's also too neat and well-cleaned for a working single mother with two kids.

I really don't like that the show decided to make Violet pregnant as well. They should have saved that for at least the second season. Also, I liked the Jon Cryer cameo. I hated the opening, her crying, but goodness, Faris is great and the role works for her. She makes the show worth watching. For more, my blog:  http:

Why is NCIS not reviewed? It's the most watched show in America.

I can fully agree with numbers three, four and five. One would have been interesting though I don't know how I feel about that. I do feel that Tveit should have been better acting wise in this role. He's done theatre for goodness sake. Johnny and DJ need to be more involved in the main plots because I really like both

I hope that season two is better and I wish the finale would have better explained some of the tied up ends. Still, Sunjata turned in a great performance easily out acting everyone else in the cast. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

She does look a lot like Gene Tierney, though I could never see her let her brother-in-law drown in a lake, but I could totally see her as Laura.

I had massive issues with the show including the lame and unnecessary robbery scene, but largely, it was a mindless, occasionally funny show that I will miss. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

Theories on who the father of Martha's baby is? I haven't a clue.

This film is much better than that review. The performances are especially good, with Mariah Carey turning in a great wordless performance. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I also picked up on Max trying to put others above himself, just as Bogart realized that was what was necessary for the good of others. I liked that that finally happened. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I believe that the whole Callie running away will not a good thing, forcing the issue of her and Brandon out in the open, which will not be a good thing. Still, the show vastly improved since the beginning, with the acting somewhat improving. I also loved the irony of having Reverend Camden marry his daughter. For

I do agree with you, that didn't take the killer long to behead the FBI guy. I also found the weird plot line involving the Linder character dropping the girl off at the ranch and asking for a kiss to be a bit random. I don't know what to make of that.But I did like the scene when we learn more of Sonya's past.