
Unfortunately, the lovely, romantic scene between Rafael and Jane at the very end was ruined for me because Rafael was still wearing his wedding ring from Petra. I know, I'm super picky, but that feels like cheating to me. And because he filed for divorce, why is he still wearing his ring in the first place?

I agree with you on many points. Axl is portrayed as being too dumb and it gets on my nerves, especially after he finally showed some character growth last season and i can't believe Mike mentioned the demon bunny. I thought that Bugs was long gone, so it will be interesting to see how Colin Firth fits in; he's too

She does like waffles. She mentions that in one episode in season when Mike buys donut holes for her birthday and she says that donut holes are Brick's favorite, she prefers waffles.

I really liked the film. It was great and actually showed that McAdams can act. She just needs to pick better scripts, more projects like this and State of Play and less like The Vow. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

This is a brilliant film. The acting is flawless and the setting is horribly realistic. A must-see for those who liked history. But it is brutal and grim but the ending offers some hope. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

He wasn't abusive, but he was horribly insensitive about the whole thing, considering he was married the whole time. His wife was the one who hit Julie in front of a room full of people. It was horrible and nearly ruined the last season of Friday Night Lights for me. Because of that role, I can't like him, ever.

I couldn't get over the fact that Prince Eric is that guy from Friday Night Lights as the married professor who has a nasty affair with young Julie. I find it odd that he now plays a guy you're supposed to like when I still really hate him from FNL.

I also really liked the episode, certainly one of the strongest so far this season. You did bring up a good point, I loved Sue's Halloween costume, but why in the world was she wearing it? That would have been a great explanation. I also hope that Axl ditches the boring Kenny and rooms with the other guy, they have

I did largely like the episode, though it has not been my favorite of the season so far. I though Axl's plot line was stupid, and part of me wishes that Angel was somewhat more likeable. Then again, she does like his neck. Also, she has super weird taste in guys, but whatever. Nevertheless, this is my favorite show on

I cannot wait for The Middle tonight. It is easily my favorite show on television currently. I recently recapped my favorite ten episodes of the series so far. Naturally, they include the series best The Map, The Floating Anniversary, A Birthday Story and Thanksgiving IV. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I really thought she was going to tell Aurora, but I guess it can interpreted both ways.

This film was better than this review, with Gandolfini truly disappearing into his role. The film is greatly acted and the dialogue is quite realistic. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I did feel that the performance was great and the song was appropriate for the occasion but not for what she described as, the song that she first sang along with Finn in the car. And though Blaine is far from my favorite character, I still needed his reaction, considering he and Finn did not get along well at first

I broke up with Glee in January but made a one time exception for this episode. Though it was really good in many ways, I still felt cheated because they never mentioned how Finn died and that was the main reason I watched the show. Also, it would have been truly nice to mention Brittany and Quinn, especially Quinn

I enjoyed the episode, sure it wasn't as good as last week's but they all can't be unfortunately. I do hope that Axl works through his problems and part of me even feels that we should see less of him, words I'd never thought I'd say. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I basically agree with all of those predictions as well. I also think that soon Juliette will end up with Avery, though maybe not anytime soon.

I would have also given it higher because I really liked it, except for the cop-out ending.

This was far from the greatest show on TV but I still enjoyed it every week. The actors deserved a better script and it should have been more connected overall. Still, I will miss it. It was the perfect summer show. For more, my blog review of the series: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I completely regret not seeing more of the Sue and Darrin relationship, period. They are so cute together and yet the show, overall, focused way more on the Axl and Cassidy relationship which was fine and not at the expense of the Sue and Darrin. I am also upset, still, that she sacrificed her own happiness just to

I can agree with you on Daniel Frye surviving. Though he is annoying, Lillard is doing a great job portraying him but I can't believe that he survived, given that he was shot and then fell tons of feet down into a river. I wonder how bad he is injured, though.