
Wow, I do agree with you on The Shawshank Redemption (a truly great film), American Beauty and American History X, but I haven't seen the rest. Those films (well, certainly Shawshank and Beauty) deserved to be on the list, but Titanic, Shakespeare in Love and The English Patient are grossly overrated. I liked Secrets

Wow, I do agree with you on The Shawshank Redemption (a truly great film), American Beauty and American History X, but I haven't seen the rest. Those films (well, certainly Shawshank and Beauty) deserved to be on the list, but Titanic, Shakespeare in Love and The English Patient are grossly overrated. I liked Secrets

I wish I could say I was happy about Britton's nomination, but she was not the best on that show and it upsets me because she was absolutely amazing on Friday Night Lights.

I wish The Middle would have finally gotten a nomination. That show is much better than Modern Family and is largely ignored by all awards. That's a complete shame.

Too bad this episode can't give Charlie McDermott an Emmy nomination, because he wasn't even submitted and this was probably his best work of the season.

Too bad this episode can't give Charlie McDermott an Emmy nomination, because he wasn't even submitted and this was probably his best work of the season.

This show is great despite Dillon letting minors drink alcohol in public and letting them into the Landing Strip. Still, the acting is fantastic and Matt Saracen is currently one of the my favorite TV characters ever. For more, my blog: http://ellensopinion21.blog…

It is nice seeing a cop film with two women as the leads. That being said, the writing was on the weak side. For more, my blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I wouldn't say creepy but she clearly failed to understand the gravity of the situation. The comment was grossly insensitive.

My biggest problem with making Becky pregnant: they already had a character get pregnant from a one-night stand. Yes, I know it's stupid, but why can't a character in a long-term relationship like say, Matt and Julie (or probably more realistically Lyla and Tim), get pregnant over Becky and Luke.  I know people get

This episode caused me to cry buckets. I have never cried that much for a single TV episode before in my life. It was an amazing episode and Zach Gilford deserved an Emmy nomination for it, just saying.

I loved this episode. Though I just started watching the show and have nearly cried several times, this was the episode that finally made me cry when Eric forfeited the game because of his injured players. Because I am watching it on DVD, the deleted scenes are a must.
I can relate to this show so much considering I

I'm also late to the party and I can agree with all of your complaints and worries. I agree with the author that the killing seems horribly out of place for this show but the way the characters are handling it is truly real and in character for them. I also don't like the whole Mexico thing (at least Lyla mentions

I really liked the show though parts were quite slow moving. I did wish for more on some of the characters and considering the show was longer, more time could certainly have been spent on that. But what really got me is the super huge plot twist at the end, though knowing that now, I feel like I need to re-watch the

I really liked your review, because I have many of the same worries and opinions of the show. I will give the show one more try, but it's not looking good. I can only hope that Callie and Brandon don't hook up but I see it coming which doesn't make me happy at all but I like what the show is trying to do.

I  gave it a C+ on my blog also. I felt that it should have been better because it is so groundbreaking but I was super disappointed and found it may have been completely out of character for Brandon to just abandon everything and follow this new girl on a wild goose chase. Still, I will probably watch one more

I really wish this show was better, considering it has some great acting, but the plot lines are sometimes so awful the actors just can't raise above them. Though I was liking the finale, the ending montage almost ruined it for me. My blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

I truly enjoyed that the lighter belonged to Paul Newman, whom I loved. And yes, that was the only good scene of the episode. My blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…

This was an excellent episode. I forgot to mention in my blog at how great it was to have Brick whisper and humming that fun. song was completely priceless. But I also wanted more closer on the whole Axl and Cassidy relationship. My blog:  http://ellensopinion21.blog…