
Do we get to see her incredible body naked again?

So what if Vanessa is 18? Both of these girls worked for a childrens network and influence a lot of young and teenage children. There shouldn't be any difference…

It's fucked you know. My wife was a teenage pregnancy and gave birth to our first son at age 16. You all don't understand the backlash and shit and how much she has/was looked down upon. Both of us for that matter…

Wait…no lashback and apology?
Why isn't Nickelodeon throwing a big fit about this? Isn't this similar…no…worse than what Vanessa Hudgens did?

HAH! He would just call his big brother over to help him out. He's almost 7 and he could kick your ass :D

Lite-Up Sword With Battery ($.88)
Hahah…too fucking funny. My soon to be 3 year old is getting one of those in his Christmas Sock this year from Santa! Why? Because he loves the Legend of Zelda and has these little swords and shields from other action figures that he plays with all the time. Not the action

Look at the poster…and the bride. Her little smirk…the eyes and the hair. Now look behind the dude…two girls back.

I still say that her tits are the only thing White Stripes has going for them. Without them…they are nothing.

Oh yeah…Jay-Z still sucks it.

Pic looks like Tone Loc
Don't you think? That picture…he's even got the belly going a bit.

I do agree that Michael Bay is being a douche with his "tactics" and it's just stupid. Knock on him all you want, but the movie itself was good.

Fuck you all. Transformers was a good flick. Go back your "elitist, artsy" type bullshit if you want. But just remember…that all you elite artsy movies types and all are the same people that watch the trash and drivel on normal TV and you all are crying over the strike.

Like David is going to take time off of Californication where he's constantly facing tits and ass in every episode and typically gets to even play with them. Rriiiiiiiigghht.

Bye Leno…you suck!
Never liked Leno and never watched him because of it. Not a big Conan fan either.

Where's the grade?
Missing the grade here…

Killer Condoms…
Attack of the Killer Condoms. It's a gay, german movie (as in the main characters are all gay and are fighting for gay rights) and is absolutely, terrificly horrendous. But it's something that I just laughed and loved all at the same time.

Sounds promising
I've never even heard of this movie and honestly, never heard of Barnes himself. But this sounds intriguing and I'll have to see it sometime.

Slackers? Yeah…never saw that movie either.

I saw Rushmore…and I still can't believe it won awards. It was the most boring, drivel I had watched in a long time. And I have gone through this guys list of other things…and there is nothing in there to note of any importance.

Dead Kennedys…
said it best in their song, "Forest Fire" from Plastic Surgery Disasters.