
I like and enjoy file sharing…but there are certain things that are on file-sharing that I don't agree with. I could care less about music and tv shows…but software and dvd's and other things should not be pirated.

Even if that is true…and maybe it is, you are in the vast minority of people that file share and freely push pirated material around. Just because YOU buy some legit stuff…doesn't mean that the thousands of others do. Most DO NOT EVER buy anything legit.

Loved Bill Maher. Enjoy his show all the time and watching him deal with these hecklers was awesome :D

Something is not right with…
This comment,

Odd cast
I just don't know if I can watch another Star Trek movie after the original crew was in so many episodes and so many movies. I just don't think I could ever get used to calling anyone else other than Shatner….Captain James T. Kirk.

Something to think about…
With the new system of comments here…you can see the number go up and think that there are new comments, but you never know for sure if it's going to be a new comment in a subthread or a new comment down at the bottom. Kind of sucks….

Does George Lucas really need anymore money in his pockets?

I don't see anything new, but are there some other issues with the comments and login system as it is with FireFox at all? Before the changes even?

Roy Cohn
Yeah…but it's too bad that the login page and a few other pages aren't working right now ;)