
Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers of man.

Unjustly forgotten movie, and so quotable. I still say "don't order the swordfish"

The scene in Alien when Tom Skerrit is in the ducts with the flamethrower and the rest of the crew are outside, talking to him over his radio. It's that sense of helplessness - watching something terrible happen when there's nothing you can do. Who thought a little electronic blip could be so frighteining. And

Two words: Bobby Peru

Disqus doesn't work with Lynx

Now I have to go listen to Easy Listening for the Hard of Hearing

Love this song. Always hated REM, so this is the only song with Michael Stipe that I actually like.

Pointer Sisters of Mercy

My favourite on the topic

That's just what buddy was trying to do for Michael Bay. Hong Kong gets awfully humid.

Klinger's Brother Klonger is a Czech import about a family dealing with mental health issues during the Prague Spring.

It nailed the sheer *helplessness* of zero-g.

Watched Gravity in IMAX 3D. Loved it. I can only assume that that is the best way to see it, though I'm surprised the constantly floating camera didn't make me nauseous. I have to say that I've never seen a movie that captured the terrifying *helplessness* of zero gravity.

In Spike Milligan's war memoires, he says that he and a bunch of other guys were arrested because they ditched their rifles in the rafters of a barn they were billeted in. Now they *were* an artillery regiment (and presumably didn't think they'd ever need to use the damned things), but yeah, soldiers got rid of the

When I was a teenager I could roll a cigarette while riding a bicycle.

Ah, nerd caltrops.

It's just a remake of the British Corgi movie.

I bet you like movies about Dinkys.

On the other hand, this *is* my first stop on tv (and pop culture) news. It's my only stop, really - I don't actually care enough about pop culture to want to read about it.