
I *always* remember that when adding capers to a recipe. Or rat turds.

It is one of my favourites. I've been avoiding rewatching it for a long time, afraid it wouldn't work any more. But this convinces me I should watch it again.

Now I'm going to have that stuck in my head all day.

It's anti-glory, really. It's Full Metal Jacket for the tween set.

My wedding ring is white gold and I had a bit of a shudder when we were making the decision, but then I thought "fuck you Stephen R. Donaldson, I'm not going to let your shitty books have any influence on my life."

The only real position of the text is "anti-imperialism". The central government is explicitly modelled on Rome, what with all the classical names and the whole gladiatorial combat thing. There is no real end-game in the books other than tearing down the empire - no time is spent in showing people's dreams for a

I read two and a half of the first Thomas Covenant books before giving them up - they remain one of my least favourite reading experiences of all time. Now when I read any crap I think "well, at least the protagonist isn't a completely self-absorbed leper rapist".

The BBC miniseries I, Caligula

I agree. Though its cheapness is one of its virtues, it's shoddiness isn't.

I've read the first two because my daughter liked them and wasn't impressed. I will read the third book - it's not like its a difficult read.

Liprace, Sing For Me was a pseudo-biography about a flamboyant singer that was never released because if there's one thing Liberace was good at it was litigation.

Watched Rocky Horror last night for the first time in decades. Watching it at home was better than I remembered, though that's not saying much - it really doesn't work well as a movie.

Man, I loved Hooper. Favourite of the lot of them.

Upside down, too.

He misspelled "Foucault"

I've seen a lot of gruesome movies with brutal violence, but that is one of the very few scenes that makes me just want to scrub myself.

The scene in the Sixth Sense when he drops the video tape off at the funeral is gutting. It is Shamalyan's finest moment.

I've mentioned it here before, but I saw that movie in the theatre not knowing a thing about it beforehand. I just had a vague notion that it was a Vietnam war flick. And I saw it alone, so I was constantly wishing I could turn to someone and say "what the fuck?"

When he beats the guy to death with the wine bottle. Just pure viciousness.

I actually first saw "When a Stranger Calls" when I was babysitting. It was a mistake.