
The Discworld series, specifically the Tiffany Aching books.

"I think she's dead"
"I am not!"


The Turtle Centipede - it's turtles all the way down.

I just read Romance on Three Legs, which is almost entirely about Gould's piano, his tuner, and his relationship with Steinway. It's quite interesting.

In Canada, Gould is something of a minor deity. It wasn't just his music - he was all over radio and television. I remember CBC had a documentary series called "Cities" - Gould basically did an hour long documentary on Toronto. Besides incidental music, the only musical content he provides is singing opera to the

He's been busy trying to figure out how he can write "Wadham College" over his "Hollywood Upstairs Medical College" certificate.

Lots of people here find watching The Room hilarious - reading your childish trolling has the same sort of appeal.

Idiot + university eduction = idiot with a diploma.


Two words - "reading glasses".

Yeah, Thanksgiving - bird was a bit overdone, but lots of gravy, stuffing and wine made up for it. Lot's of indigestion to go around.

That's not working for me - it's a pain-in-the-ass

Downvoting is a dick move? I just assumed it was for sarcasm

God, that book was my bible as a teenager.

Just read Romance on Three Legs which is a stupid name for a book, I agree. I thought it was going to be another Glenn Gould biography but it focused on his piano, his tuner, his relationship with Steinway, lots of technical details and all the little practical sides to a great artist and their instrument. It was

I don't think you need the "Get" in there.

Personally, I really liked Quiz Show. More so than Pulp Fiction.

I don't agree. I think Pulp Fiction is kind of airless compared to Ed Wood. The characters weren't really interesting or fleshed out - it certainly wasn't a character-driven movie. When you think of the movie you think of scenes, not the characters.

I was going to say that Ed Wood was like a mirror Amadeus. They were both about artists with limitations, but Saliari *knew* that he would never achieve greatness - the whole movie was about the ache of recognizing genius and knowing you will never achieve it. Ed Wood was about being pathalogically unable to see