
It came out when I was in my teens and I thought it was perfection. Like Raiders of the Lost Ark it was taking something that was, in retrospect, pretty terrible (cheap serials for Raiders, wildly nonsensical pulps for Banzai) and actually making something *good* out of them.

[Stephen King starts getting his hopes up]

In semi-rural Canada we had three but one of them was French. It was very easy to figure out if there was nothing on TV.

That Encyclopaedia is one bad mother…

Depression + trolls = much worse depression

[stops discussion, turns around and glares at True Pud and SatelliteInternetIsSkynet]

If you two don't stop right now, by *god* I'm turning this discussion around and taking you straight home!

My daughter randomly says that sometimes. Always cracks me up.

Caillou is commendable because it actually portrays how difficult life is during those toddler years, but it's terrible because it shows just how annoying those years can be.  The voice acting is awful - Caillou's is like nails on chalkboard.  And my wife and I still imitate the narrator's creaky old-lady voice - it's

Episode 5?  Not sure.  It was graduation day, so everyone got killed.

"Mid-Victorian Britain 1851-70" by Geoffrey Best.  Just something my wife picked up in a used book store years back - I was in the mood for some history and took it off the shelf.

Congrats to your mom.

I started watching AoT with my daughter and am really enjoying it.  It's already got to George R. R. Martin levels of character deaths.

You'll be back, you'll be back.

@avclub-be5dfeb671c12d7520445b9292e10d13:disqus Shut your mouth!

Troilus and Contusions

I didn't know about those - I did a google and found Gardiner doing the second movement of 7 on Youtube, which was lovely, delicate even.  I may have to track these down.

The only thing I like about golf is the memories of playing with my grandfather at a dinky little par-3 course.  Other than that I despise the sport and anything connected to it.  And I despise people who at parties or gatherings turn the tv on so they can watch golf.  I mean shit, I'd rather watch people mow the golf

Sorry to hear that - give your girlfriend a hug and a kiss for me.