
Happy Birthday.

Reading a social history of mid-Victorian Britain.  It's dry, but I have no problem in simply skipping all the charts.  Also reading "Yokai Attack!", a cute little spotters guide to Japanese mythological monsters.  It's a good bathroom book.

Eventually their tastes improve and you can watch better things with them.  My daughter is now working her way through Breaking Bad.

Leonard Pierce doesn't work here anymore.

Congrats on the gig!

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus There was a deplorable lack of women of Lieutenants, too.

How did you handle the licensing issues?

Irons delivery of that was heartbreaking.

The shaving scene at the end of Dead Ringers is beautiful and painful.  Wonderfully evocative of how mental illness can make the simplest acts incredibly difficult.

She was high-functioning at the beginning.

You know, you *can't* have cereal without a whole lot of milk-a.

I saw that movie in the theatre by myself.  Didn't know *anything* about the movie going in - I was going through a time of just going to the theatre and buying a ticket to whatever was showing next.

It's not his fault - his mommy and daddy didn't show him enough attention when he was a child.

Funny how pop culture portrays mental illness as entertaining.  Violence too.

Man, I quote the hitchhiking line a lot.

I fell on Mike O'Kicks.


British working-class thug.  Think "football hooligan".

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus In my experience, "punk" was a catch-all group for kids with untreated mental illnesses.