
He's going for the "Nigel Tufnel" look

He was athletic at least - he was apparently good enough to have a shot at professional football, but that was scrapped after a back injury.  I'm sure he could bulk up and look terrifying - he really looks like a yob since he got all his hair cut off, anyway.

This from his personal brain care specialist.

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus What!?  I'm not!

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Exactly.

I had the horrible realization recently that popular perception of Juggalos these days is exactly equivalent to the perception of punk when I was a kid.

David Lemmings as a hippie Gestapo officer!

That wasn't "punk", that was "asshole".  There were plenty of asshole punks, just as there were plenty of asshole non-punks.

If your axe has a point then it's a pick.

You're thinking of the wrong doctor - it's Dr. Ben Wa

Was it you or your twin brother who was the astronaut?

It's a scam - it all depends on what computer you're "working off".  You'll probably end up working off TRS/80s for quarters.

Work construction.

The Falstaff comment reminded me of one of my favourite Python bits

Kicked in the Gloot was a Dutch drama marred by some of the worst English translation ever recorded.

Not without fingers you're not.

If you've got a FTL drive then you could at least fly out far enough and watch it live.

Rulers make bad lovers
You better put your kingdom up for sale

I'll take the terrorist attack.

It is actually a good punk song - it's only in the lyrics that are parody.  Most fake punk bands in TV shows were utterly terrible, like they hadn't bothered to listen to any punk music before  writing something.