
Actually, the parody of Don Giovanni would probably be more my speed.

Two words:  Chris Tucker

I have a theory that George Clinton is actually fictional.

Did you actuall *perform* I Hate the Bloody Queen?  If so, mad props!

I was tired, I'm sorry.  In my defence, if people didn't say unclear and nonsensical things there wouldn't be any use for the internet.

I'd like to see The Queenhaters.

It always bothered me that Iggy voiced Mok but Lou Reed did his song.

My favourite threat in fiction has always been

One of my first thoughts was Lynn Minmay, but only for the thought that if I were there, it would be much more likely that I could get my own Veritech fighter.

Teenaged me would pick the Bauhaus gig from the start of The Hunger.  Adult me would pick the Don Giovanni performance from Amadeus.  Not that I'm much of an opera fan, but that movie is one of my all-time favourites.

The point I was trying to make is that for every person who becomes wildly successful by capitalizing on their sexual value, there are millions who don't.  I was basically making a point about the sex trade - people who *literally* prostitute themselves.

Silly, she didn't have to do anything to get where she is today - she was *born* rich.

**smells clove cigarette, is reminded of the evening in a dank basement punk hangout that his bored friend said "hey, I wonder what it would be like to smoke a clove cigarette through my nose".  How I laughed as he clawed at his face in agony**

The problem is not really about being the one making the millions of dollars, it's about all the other people who think that *they* could make millions of dollars doing that and then end up giving blowjobs in alleyways or being found dead in dumpsters.

It ain't like Saint Joe… Saint Joe, they love me there!

Now I may be just be a simple country Hyper-Chicken, but I know when we're finger licked.

I don't value most artists.  Does that make  me a bad human being?

Who'd have thought a Sinead O'Connor/Prince combination would work so well?

Congratulations! 10 Years, the traditional gift for that is "influence".