
I looked young right up until the time I started looking old.  When I got my last driver's license pic I looked like the biker who's stopped working as an enforcer and moved to a desk job.

I had Kooky Kountry as a  kid

The "This Mortal Coil" albums are basically 4AD comps.  I spent my high school years listening to them and moping.


Awww, did the mean boys laugh at you?

Cordell Baker did The Cat Came Back, Richard Condie did The Big Snit.  They both were at the Winnipeg NFB together.

Sorry @avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus , they're all out.

One of the Sailor Moon characters?  Kind of the opposite of Wednesday Addams.  Or make an updo and put some stripes on it and do Bride of Frankenstein.

Get someone else to do Dalek Cable Repair Guy and you'll have a hit.

You know, when you put it that way, I think I might be a nerd.

I wish I could get some other people to do Ursa and Non with me.

For work, learning advanced Lucene/Solr stuff.  For home, proper plastering technique - I'm terrible, I even suck at mudding drywall.  For fun, nothing.  All work and no play makes Trurl something something.

General Zod.  And by that I mean the proper *Terrance Stamp's* General Zod, not some cheap knockoff.  There aren't that many good costume ideas for middle-aged men.  I  plan on yelling "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" a great deal.

Listening in my car the other day, shuffle gave me a "one of these things is not like the other" game:

When my daughter was little we made her a Weeping Angel costume to wear to a con.  She'd never been to a con before, never done any cosplay.  And she loved it - the costume worked really well, people flipped out when they saw her.  Now she's a teenager and only wants to go to cons and do cosplays.

"All caps" is for the weak.

I'm not a vegetarian - far from it - but you have some problems with points A and B.  Yes, people have an instinct and desire to eat meat.  That doesn't mean we as a species shouldn't do anything to mitigate it.  Humans also have an instinct and desire to commit murder, sometimes for simply getting cut off on the

That's true. It's not like our agricultural system lays waste to vast swaths of the landscape and has killed millions of us (or shortened our lives) with non-nutritional food substitutes.

Rob Riggle in The Four Field System