At times some birds, a horse, have saved the ruins of a discussion thread.
At times some birds, a horse, have saved the ruins of a discussion thread.
Those recent Hinterland Who's Who with the remixed flute music are an abomination.
There's a pretty good local lamb industry here, but it's still not cheap (you can generally get good steaks cheaper). And yeah, I'm the only one in the house that eats it too so I probably only have it once or twice a year, and most of that time I just get stewing lamb that I curry.
I'd like the AV Club commentariat to write the encyclopaedia of Tlon.
@avclub-8b14f79688c0146367914b8240be4128:disqus @avclub-3289dd8341f5817e5049a95206742874:disqus @avclub-bf03762695c37bae3e463a24d0ce8150:disqus @avclub-152d284f09f019baf5bd08e6f41dd2d4:disqus @avclub-8f5d52de325e27c15de41667d4d82f50:disqus @avclub-072a15c6e8c7feb872965d04206db166:disqus @avclub-dc91d6e23d859879bbaf0a9d…
@avclub-b5f9baf65101f976c6bdb82c96e59090:disqus I never said there were any processes *other* than natural selection. All I said was that the viewing the individual genotype -> phenotype -> genotype natural selection process as the only part of evolution is missing the big picture. Natural selection works on *all*…
This has been a Hinterland Who's Who
@avclub-dc91d6e23d859879bbaf0a9d7f27fb77:disqus I know I'm not using the most accurate language - I'm throwing out comments on a pop culture website, not writing a PhD thesis. But if you want to get nitpicky, what you are talking about is "natural selection", which isn't the same as evolution. You can look at…
I'm just glad I can look back and know that the person I am now is not the dick I was then.
A stray had a couple of kittens under a neighbour's shed and they've just gotten old enough to come play in the sun. They are *so* cute. I'm trying to get them acclimated to me so I can get them to the SPCA.
Draco's patronus was krill.
When my daughter was a baby I used to sing "The Maid on the Shore" as her lullaby. Rogers version is probably my favourite.
@avclub-072a15c6e8c7feb872965d04206db166:disqus Genotype is the pool, phenotype is the individual. A gene can improve the survivability of itself or the pool without necessarily improving the survivability of individuals who carry the gene. Look at the gene that causes sickle cell anaemia. People who get two copies…
I found an old book on clockmaking on Project Gutenberg which I'm finding fascinating, and just started reading some essays on writing by R. L. Stevenson. I've also been reading Pepin's "Complete Techniques", just so I can learn to do butter pats properly.
I finished it when I was 16. When I tried again in my 20s, not so much. I don't think I've ever been so irritated with a book.
The slasher stuff always bored me. It's really shitty storytelling - how the hell am I going to be scared or even *moved* by any of it?
Good luck with this. I had a serious bruising problem once when I was on anti-inflamitories - I had some blood taken at one point and the nurse perforated the vein and the internal bleeding turned my entire arm bruise purple from shoulder to fingertips. I had to trade the pills for pain but the bruising went away.
Happy Birthday. What does Mr. Stewart say your horoscope is?
Pac's Slack BO
Fake carbonara was a bachelor standby for me.