
Bad Lt. Broccoli

Big Jim Adderall.  I expect Big Jim needed a little help if he was going to be driving his sports camper on long hauls.

Cupcakes *and* a place to live?  Like a real place to live and not a cardboard box or an underpass?  Well, congratulations then - that's a pretty sweet life.

You guys bring out the Lola Heatherton in me - I want to bear your children!

I tend to play until I can actually identify the location to under a kilometer.  It takes a lot of exploring and googling to figure out some of them - I had one drop me inside what looked like a traditional Japanese home turned into a museum and I couldn't navigate out of the parking lot.  So I had to figure out what

I was going to say Happy Birthday back on Canada Day but I was too busy recuperating from a shitty weekend of sick pets, godawful drives and roof repairs.  I hope your birthday went well.

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus , @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus , @avclub-8dd007f4a97be79c135c67999bf5b27e:disqus   Thanks folks - you're mensches, the lot of you.  More, you're ubermensches.

I'm rewatching TOS (for the first time in 20+ years) with my daughter, who is watching it for the first time. We're also watching them in order, which is something I've not done before.  The first thing I noticed was the quality of the design, both the production and sound design - the Enterprise is a wonderfully

WARNING:  You are combining the words "employer" and "should" in a sentence.

Geoguessr, oh my god Geoguessr…

That is one impressive cake!  I made a TARDIS cake with my daughter for her birthday one year and it turned out pretty well, but nothing like that.

Cookie_Monster's shtick is the property of Cookie_Monster alone.  Copying it is not allowed.

Remember that when saying "when you someone eat it" to properly cite it as from "1 Corinthians 10:28"

And nothing else.  The post should simply be "Who??" and the resultant flaming should be extensive.

The bleeps and bloops of the Star Trek (TOS, natch) teleporter, or the twittering sound the communicators make when you open them.  Or the doors, such a lovely swish.

I'm just going to forgo the cake and have a light a candle next to my glass of scotch, which I will go buy for myself.  Happy Birthday to me.

Did you drop the bass?

That's what happens when they got Lars Von Trier to direct a Disney movie.

The Aristocrats!

The other day I was reminded of something that is still one of the oddest things I've seen on the internet, that German guy's weirdly chaste fetish fiction about wrapping Roy Orbison in cling film