
I think it's about the inescapable misery of the thing. Where're you gonna go? Can't take off the moonsuit.

There's a weird savant side to Jason that is sometimes implied to come from his totally absent parents. Like, he had to raise himself, man. No one TAUGHT him about Pauline Kael. He had to find Pauline Kael on his OWN.

I don't mind his voice very much, and this sequence on film works so beautifully that it's hard for me to dwell on any vocal imperfections. The visual rhythms for this song—sing, slice, down the tube—are just perfect.

I walked in to that song at my wedding. It may be an obvious choice, but no regrets.

Now I'm imagining the Ken Burns FarmVille movie.

And neeps in ADWD. They couldn't just eat buttered turnips like they did the first four books?

And neeps in ADWD. They couldn't just eat buttered turnips like they did the first four books?

Yeah, let's ignore the crimes committed by a violent famous dude!

I'd call it the most accessible AF album, for sure, which is maybe not what some people want from them? Still, I love it unreasoningly and could listen to the title track on repeat for the rest of my life.

I'd call it the most accessible AF album, for sure, which is maybe not what some people want from them? Still, I love it unreasoningly and could listen to the title track on repeat for the rest of my life.

A friend of mine was in that production! It was seriously great. Also I like your username, nerdy Broadway fan.

A friend of mine was in that production! It was seriously great. Also I like your username, nerdy Broadway fan.

Same—I had heard Best Served Cold praised to the skies, but I felt it was kind of paint-by-numbers and the protagonist was not at all convincing. Might try this, though, for a broader perspective on his world.

Same—I had heard Best Served Cold praised to the skies, but I felt it was kind of paint-by-numbers and the protagonist was not at all convincing. Might try this, though, for a broader perspective on his world.

Well, the REAL problem is that I think it fails on all the other levels when taken separately, and it fails to integrate its many interests. It plays with the referential material and the mythology without actually making any new insights. As a piece of academic satire, it's one note, overly long, and far too pleased

Well, the REAL problem is that I think it fails on all the other levels when taken separately, and it fails to integrate its many interests. It plays with the referential material and the mythology without actually making any new insights. As a piece of academic satire, it's one note, overly long, and far too pleased

True, but I also read long chunks of it at home and away from people, and I still didn't think it maintained an atmosphere.

True, but I also read long chunks of it at home and away from people, and I still didn't think it maintained an atmosphere.

I just finished it on my commute this morning. I was generally unimpressed—didn't find it worth the work. I also did not find it remotely creepy, because the dry academia in the footnotes and commentary breaks up the tension so often.

I just finished it on my commute this morning. I was generally unimpressed—didn't find it worth the work. I also did not find it remotely creepy, because the dry academia in the footnotes and commentary breaks up the tension so often.