
Yeah, I was surprised by the line about "trying to ascribe motive to [the judges'] decisions is perhaps futile," because there is actually a book that talks a LOT about this particular movie and this particular decision. I think it's out of print, but half of Hype and Glory is about William Goldman's jury turn at

Okay, no one is reading this thread, and for most people, this is a totally unimportant nerd thing, but NO ONE would have prescribed the paranoia/psychosis-causing malaria pills to Maggie. Fair-skinned people take a drug called malarone. Just one more example of Sorkin writing a joke and shoe-horning things in to fit

Nerding out over here: There are basically three Dornish "ethnicities" of varying tan-ness, called sandy (darkest skinned), salty, and stony (palest). The Dornish diet in the books definitely hewed close to southern Indian, though.

You think Bloodraven's going to be in season 4? I'd be surprised if they make it that far north, because that is basically all that's left of Bran's storyline and in theory, it has to last three seasons.

Recent con appearances indicate he's only a quarter through. At least we have HBO…

Worth also pointing out that serial killing is not a mostly invisible crime that 5% of college-aged men have admitted to committing. There's not really a clean analogy for rape jokes, because of the way the crime is targeted against (mostly) women, stigmatizes its victims, and often goes unreported.

More like "no more murdering people jokes if there is a serial killer in the audience and also if we live in a serial killing culture."

"Trust me. Women LOVE the twist-n-honk."

That's a pretty fine example of how not to make a rape joke.

Fuck Aviendha, marry Min, kill Elayne (and install a puppet regime to control your baby daughter).

Or Mae Whitman!

My mom also lost an Edgar this year. It's noble company.

Facilitator is what you are if you're too junior to be an Advisor or Specialist. In non-legal fields, though, it tends to be above Associate. /contractor'd

Well, using F. Scott's definition, it IS romantic: "The idea, you know, is that the sentimental person thinks things will last—the romantic person has a desperate confidence that they won't." - This Side of Paradise

Jeff Buckley could have learned from THAT Tim Buckley, though. An absent father doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.

That makes sense. I originally read it as "No Sephoras."

Hill actually helped write the ending to 11/22/1963, so that's a point for him! Check out 20th Century Ghosts to make up your mind.

I dunno. I DVR it and watch it on Sunday mornings, with coffee and a hangover. Best case scenario, it's funny! Worst case scenario, I just sat still for an hour and a half and now my head hurts less!

Related—did anyone else hear Benjamin pull out the Jason-voice for one of the gambling kids? I like the idea that slightly-older Jason, Melissa, and Brendon all live in the same town as the Belchers.