
I gave the Prydain chronicles to my 10-year-old sister-in-law, because she loves fantasy series and I read those books a million times when I was her age, and she thought they were boring. I am not speaking to her at the moment.

I gave the Prydain chronicles to my 10-year-old sister-in-law, because she loves fantasy series and I read those books a million times when I was her age, and she thought they were boring. I am not speaking to her at the moment.

Agreed. Women are often socialized away from the uncomfortable kind of honesty that seems to be the core of stand-up comedy, especially.

Agreed. Women are often socialized away from the uncomfortable kind of honesty that seems to be the core of stand-up comedy, especially.

Okay, but neither of your examples tried to extricate blackface from racism. Both works assumed it was a racist act and pulled their humor from there.

The Yo, Is This Racist guy weighs in, with valid points about the Oscars not exactly having an awesome track record on race: 

For what it's worth, I'm not a person of color, so I'm not going to say what should and shouldn't offend someone who is. I do think blackface is a touchy enough area that there just isn't a compelling reason to test those limits, and I don't think we should be throwing around phrases like "outrage for outrage's sake"

To paraphrase K. Thrace, I don't think you can extricate blackface from racism, or that it's worthwhile to try.

I disagree. I think the act of wearing blackface is still too ingrained in a history of humiliation and mockery to be done without causing justified and understandable offense.

Lana del Rey question mark

If President Roslin's media room were secretly made of cardboard, then yes!

That sounds a lot LIKE racism to me…

Don't touch it, mum! It's evil!

I'm giving this show two more episodes to prove it's not just Entourage-style male power fantasies. So far we have two recurring female characters, and one is a (non-specific) "psycho bitch ex", and the other is a "powerful career woman" who secretly has daddy issues and just wants a guy to tell her what to do. Yikes.

Can I interest you in these fine leather jackets?

Same (on both counts). I was terrified of Nurse Edna.

I own a copy of the first two Monkey Island games for the PS3—it was a gift and I'm having trouble tracking it down online, but the game appears to have been released in Europe. So, it's out there, and it's exactly the same.

On the off chance that this isn't a troll…your use of quotes around the word rapist is truly gross. I'm sorry you have children.

I was going to point out her fundamental disconnect between "being President" and "women should be submissive," but AVC already handled it below. All I'm saying is that feminism != supporting all women regardless of their positions/behavior (especially when those positions and behaviors are inherently anti-feminist).

In this case, I'm gonna say people with logical and cohesive worldviews.