guy whitey corngood

Radzinsky, I would hug the hell out of John Locke.
In an outhouse.

electric tie rack
"thank you!"

i wish i understood why people love the hold steady so much….

short-list for the year's best…?
Holy shit.
This is something I finally got around to downloading due to numerous sources I trust giving it much praise.

"And I don't care what anyone says, playing drums in Rock Band will kind of teach you actual drumming, much more than Dance Dance Revolution teaches you actual dancing. "

people actually went ahead and WENT TO this asshat's website?

Here at the end, I just have to say
how much i thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly fucking loathe and detest joanna fucking newsome.

but can we all agree that "Carry the Zero" is one of the greatest songs ever written?

yes i would.

i <3 the coens
For real.
Just finished watching every single one of their movies (over the course of several weeks), and …. well, isn't it time to makes LISTS?? Come on, guys!

I would never expect a commenter with the name "john galt" to know what the fuck they're talking about.

The Failsucker Proxy?

i just… i just can't believe that the hallowed halls of the AVClub feature such ignorance…

The last good Pearl Jam album was YEILD - up to which, everything was pretty fucking great, in a semi-straight-ahead 90s alt.rock kind of way.

dude, Fucked Up is pretty fucking good. VG just plain suck. Deerhunter seems like they have *something* good about them, but i'm still kind of missing the point.

as far as internet-hyped bands go, wavves is fairly decent and interesting; vivian girls is unlistenable junk. hey: they're girls! they're from brooklyn! yay!!

this movie
was totally cool.

my dear darling REM
Just wanna say how truly great it makes me feel to read so much REM lovin. They've been my favorite band since 92, exactly when Automatic Dropped, when I was in full-on musical-taste-formation mode. To say that they have been the most important band throughout my whole life is a gross

Aren't there only 2 or 3 newly recorded jams on The In Sound? The rest is just culled from these here two loverly albums, no?

It was always my parents and always running.