guy whitey corngood

If ya'll haven't read his Autobiography, you should.
skip this certain-to-be-deplorable film, and pick up a good book that reads like straight pimpage. so many hilarious drug and lady-slappin stories.

I feel like there's a lot to like about Reveal, even if, as a record, REM's approach to it seems to have been to take the UP palette and make it bright and summery — the polar opposite of UP's dark, autumnal vibe.

i actually seem to like you a whole lot.

some people say that Collapse Into Now is a better record than Accelerate.

Document is by far the stranger of the two records. It was many years before I really grew to like "Fireplace" and "Lightning Hopkins" — though I think "oddfellows" over-long and boring, much like "I Remember California."

only REM threads can inspire me to log- in.

i really like this band.
yes indeed i do.
i thought their last record, In & Out, was without question their weakest record, with several straight cringe-inducing moments ("boys who rape").

I'm a long, long-term REM fan, and a U2 hater of nearly equal time.

Best: So. Central Rain

Peter Buck once said that NAIHF was the closest that REM would ever come to recording a Soundgarden album. It was the 90s when he said that, so we all knew *exactly* what he meant.

only a new REM album can make me bother to log-in/post on the AV Club since I realized that the LOST series finale would piss me off terribly. perhaps i truly am - as mother has long insisted - the worst kind of nerd.

some Miyazaki-lookin anime?? Gandalf??? where in tarnation have *I* been?

i used to know a . Carnally. what a filthy little minx THAT one was….

@AJR. hm. yes, most likely. since the pumpkins most egregious crime is sloppy, incompetent playing of their/billy corgan's instruments…..

"Dad, we're the MTV generation. We experience neither highs nor lows."

i would wonder how anyone hears about anyone without being led to that person/group/performer by someone else. one does not hear of joanna newsome out of the ether. nor does one somehow purchase self-released cdrs by, like, hitting "i feel lucky" on google and magically being transported to her site, enabling one to

contractually required to say
how much i fucking loathe this retarded shit.

This entire exchange was annoying and grating and faaaar too insidery for me. which as i keep saying today was my main problem with last night's ep.

this episode is definitely one of the worst ever, with very little serious competition. Fire and Water, and this.

this is sad, and touching, and joyous all at once.
very happy your ok. dying young is fucking stupid.
i'm not sure, on a sliding scale of patheticness, how depressing i find this very true fact: