guy whitey corngood

"Gummi artisans working exclusively in the medium of gummi!"

I don't really know much about Morrisey at all (and although I was obliged to acquire all the Smiths albums, really haven't ever given them a proper, thorough listening),

We've seen a variety of Others take 'death' as basically a First Option of Escape. Klugh instructed Mikail to shoot her, as did Widmore's young army buddy. We will learn why.

My brain completely imploded due to that episode, yes indeed. I was high off of it for weeks afterward. Season 2 had made me a complete, utter believer and LOST nerd, and the end run of Season 3 just cemented it.

That was my favorite line of the whole damn episode. Glad Noel gave it props.

Kate has an irresistible attraction to abusive, drunky dads — also, she's identifying with young Ben Linus in a way that, while making her feel somewhat uncomfortable, is also so, so right.

There is no *new* 1977!!!

I kept thinking if if punkrock Miles had met goth Claire, they would have TOTALLY gotten it on. Or at least smoked cigarettes together and danced all mopey-like.

I'm more surprised at all the Ewok lovin' going on….
Sheesh, soon we'll learn there are Jar Jar apologists.

I concur:
Danial Faraday is a DeGroot.

"Did anyone else wonder what would happen if adult Miles killed baby Miles? "

Joey-Jo-Jo Junior Shabadu?

That's what I thought to myself after I listened to it, I mean.
For only after listening did I realize that I feel it's brazenly shitty music.
Had I known I felt that way prior to downloading it, I wouldn'tve downloaded it in the first place.

That dude was in Moxy Fruvous?

I hate Burial. I think I downloaded it offa eMusic based on some rave, and thought to myself, "Hm. People's taste suuuuure can be different, huh?"

I can't think of any conceivable reason other than the fact that she's London-based for someone to hold MIA up as an example of grime.

I'm so late to this party, but I just had to do some terribly demeaning man secretary task on the USPS website and saw the Simpson's stamps promo, and wanted to finally read this here blurb, and saw that Fiatta's doin his thang, so I must then do mine:

Larry and his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl?

@ Fattita:

No, buy "Fever" or "Prison Girls." <<<