guy whitey corngood

Should any of you ever come back to see what has become of your work, I just want to say: Job well done. Your pithy comments have, truly, provided a much-needed patch of sunshine on my dusty hardwood floor of a life on this sad, sad Good Friday, upon which our dear Lord and Savior Jesus H. Christ was crucified, died

Zombie Alex was super duper hot.

EXPOSE is one of my top 10 favorite eps. It was so self-conscious and sneaky. They set Niki and Paulo up all during mid Season 3 as though they were just annoying Scooby-Doo-esque tagalongs. But later on we find that they had a story that, while not important in the grand scheme of things, wasn't entirely devoid of

No, for real:
Neko's on Rock Band??

Find the single — I forget for which song — that contains the b-side "Everything Thermals."

I think I thoroughly disagree with you. Pablo isn't reprehensible, but it's very bland. And saying that it did 1992 alt.rock better than, say, Alice in Chains may not be saying too much….

OK COMPUTER and KID A are both amazing, haunting, life-changing records. They are completely different, but I agree that they are equal in their magnificence. And, for real: the first time I listened to Kid A, with the odd booklet, on headphones…..holy shit, that hour is will always be a strong, haunting memory for

I always thought "Black Star" was the weakest song on the album, but Gillian Welsh's cover made me reevaluate it. I still like her's better, though. And I saw her sing it the other night, in fact. Golly, can you imagine MY delight?

Oohhhhhhhhhhh snap.
That is simply delicious.

Though it was very much on-the-nose, Miles and Hurley's conversation made me say "Yeah! Screw you, all you stoopid-heads who thought Ben was actually DEAD!!"

Sigh….but, where are Desmond and Faraday?