
Why would you presume to understand his motives, or anything else going on in his life?

I know and it drives me nuts that the left can't see this. We have fucking Trump in the white house, but we're still gonna playing this "who is the MOST feminist" game?

I'm with ya man. What's left on the site worth reading anymore?

ARE TO!!!!!

The only good thing to come of this is maybe people will calm down about Firefly. Seriously guys, there are better shows!

Shhhhh! Stop it with your "logic!" This is the AV Club!

And the left continues to eat itself. No one is ever pure enough for some people.

You don't understand how the left works now. Ideological purity is paramount. If anyone has ever said anything possibly construable as wrong now, you must have an instantaneous dislike of everything they've ever done. It's quite sickening, really.

I don't known how else to put it. Most people did not cringe. This vwry website gave the movie a B when it came out, but now tries to pretend that this movie was the worst movie of the last 10 years.

Exactly! Watchmen isn't a masterpiece but it gets talked about nowadays like it was some all-time legendary turkey.

I remember that most people's reaction at the time was "eh, that was ok." The revisionism is all on your side, where suddenly the movie has morphed into this all-time cinematic flop. Not everything Snyder has ever done is the worst thing ever. Just deal with it.

You forgot that this is the AV Club. Anything you say is fair game as long as it's against Zack Snyder. It's more than a little tiresome.

Braveheart is fuckin' awesome. Worth seeing several times.

The alien squid thing was stupid and would have looked dumb on the screen. Changing it to blaming it on Doc Manhattan works just fine.

I read the damn book. I stand by what I said.

Watchmen is only "widely derided" in the AV Club echo chamber. Most real people thought the movie was at least watchable.

I love Stephenson's digressions myself (if you think Snow Crash is bad, try Cryptonomicon or the Baroque Cycle), but I understand why someone wouldn't enjoy them. But I do think Snow Crash would make a killer miniseries. It's comedic, the characters are fun, the world is fun….I dunno, maybe I just need to try and

Its not that it's dated. Stranger in a Strange Land is dated, but still good. What I mean that a lot of the ideas and mood and setting of Neuromancer, while influential at the time, have since been done better by subsequent book (like Snow Crash, for example).

Yeah at this point there doesn't seem to be any point to making a Neuromancer movie. And Hipster Jesus got to play a Case-like character and plot in Inception so its not a total loss.

The problem with Neuromancer is that it just doesn't hold up that well anymore. It was incredibly groundbreaking and influential, but the genre it influenced and/or created has passed it by.