
Well, as Ozzie Guillen once said of the man, with A.J., if he's on the other team, you hate him. If he's on your team…you hate him a little bit less :)

In fairness to you, the White Sox do still stink, so your mind is in the right place!

Even the White Sox?? We're harmless!!

The AV Club and Cracked have walked the same sad path. Both used to be fun pop culture websites and now both are too woke for their own good. And it's not even like I disagree with their politics, its just fun to read about OTHER THINGS once in awhile.

Oh yeah, it was absolutely brutal from 2001-2009. I look forward to the days when our teams are both good again so we can pick up where we left off!

I think you hit the nail on the head. One of the reasons I haven't given up on this site yet.

Ha! Fair enough :)

Ha! Nice burn :) . Yeah I guess I wouldn't mind as much it if there was a separate section. Actually, the worst thing with their decent is not the overly political stories, but the fact that they need to shoehorn some political bullshit into EVERYTHING. Like you can't read a single movie review anymore without there

Fuck Cubs fans forever for what they put Bartman through. No excuse.

Well, this is why AV Club is not going to get any better any time soon. Too many people are cheering on their decent into this swamp.

It makes him a true Cubs fan. Us Sox fans (and other decent humans) were smart enough to know that Bartman had fuck-all to do with the Cubs blowing that one.

Everyone else in that section had their hands up to catch that ball. And yet no one gets mad at any of them. It's baseball. When there's a foul ball coming your way, you try and catch it.

YUP! The CUbs have no one to blame but the Cubs for 2003.

Is it derided? Because good god I wish they would stay in that lane. AV Club's political…uh, "commentary" is the worst thing on this site.

Unnecessarily trollish and stupid headline on this one. You want a scapegoat for 2003? How about Alex Gonzalez booting a routine ground ball that would have ended the inning and preserved the Cubs lead.

Oh really? Well forget it then :)

I'd never speak ill of any of those (except Tom Jones), but to me, the only Bond song that comes close to Skyfall is "Nobody Does it Better."

Cornell's theme was pretty good but….hot damn Adele's theme for Skyfall might straight-up be the best Bond song. I'm not as much of a fan of Skyfall the movie, but that song is unbelievably good.

I actually wish this had been the plot point. It would have been such a Bond thing to do. After all that bluster about his skills, and all the back and forth and attempted cheating with the villain, Bond traps him with an unfoldable hand.