
Cary Grant & Leslie Caron starred in one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen - "Father Goose". That movie is just plain fun.

"The Quiet Man"! See John Wayne beat the shit out of Maureen O'Hara and drag her by the wrist halfway across the county!

"Dead Set" is in the upper echelon of zombie apocalypse movies (even if it was a miniseries). They need to release that in the States pronto.

I'll nominate "Spaced" for the Based Around Eternal Failure Hall of Fame.

Aww, The Drifters weren't too bad.

The question of why Number 6 resigned is important because the audience wants to know the answer as much as The Village does. It's a conflicting desire - as a viewer, I want McGoohan to win, but I'm also really curious to hear his answer to the question. If The Village already knows the answer, it's maybe even more

Goddamn, Sean. These are great reads. Glad this column went daily.

"Grizzly" scared the shit out of me when I was 9. On reflection, that's kind of embarrassing.

Free Cable for All My Friends
"And though you could've seen Patton Oswalt's latest stand-up special for free this past weekend on cable".

I'll bet that 95% of the time, when you mention Star Trek to someone, the image of Spock is the first thing to pop into their mind (although Picard may have replaced him among die-hards - I'm not much of a fan of TNG myself).

@Zack - Not a bad idea to take a break before tackling Season 3. And thanks for ending Season 2 with this review - it's one of your best so far.

@JBMD: Steve McQueen as a starship captain is brilliant. Driven mad by an incident years ago when half his crew was absorbed by some alien blob.

That's a cool idea. Good point! No money in the budget for that though.

Gotta admit - that is a scary thought. For all we know, the Sci-Fi Channel satellite has a nuke tucked under the fender, just in case.

Assignment: Earth Script
There's an interesting website that examines draft and final TOS scripts (and also those for the The Motion Picture and Search for Spock):

Lens Flare Alert
Nice to see another location shoot for Bread & Circuses - and a "Kung-Fu"-style lens flare to boot! Blame this one for JJ Abrams' "inspiration".

Oh, and "Hodgkins' Law of Parallel Planet Development"? Not buying that one at all, although at least it's an attempt to explain the various Earth-like planets in the series.

I recall that "Assignment: Earth" was aired just as frequently as most of the others during the 70's syndication era.

Yeah, the Son Worshiper idea doesn't sit too well with me either. The episode ends on a "We're All Christians on This Bus" note that just doesn't work. Or maybe it's just a recognition that the society is moving toward monotheism. At least they don't break out a copy of the New Testament, a-la "Omega Glory". Still,

@Henry: It's actually a quote from a Martin Mull comedy called "Serial".