
Lotta rage there, Harv.

They're making World War Z into a movie, but this thing really deserves the HBO mini-series treatment. The episodic nature of the book makes it perfect for a 10 or 12 episode series. Thanks for fucking that up, Brad Pitt.

@Simonillyan - Glad to hear that you're relatively new to the series and enjoying. Are the episodes that threw you off generally in line with Zack's reviews, or are there certain episodes that made you think, "Zack and the comment boards are all completely off-base on this one"?

"…maybe I'm just a sucker for Star Trek."

They need to get started on sending Combs the script for "The Return of the Curse of the Re-Animator's Ghost" right away. And he gives possibly the best performance of anyone in the cast of "Enterprise" (I'm not slamming "Enterprise" by saying that).

Good criticism and arguments presented in the thread(s) as to why Omega is terrible, but I'll also still defend it as entertaining. Jumps the shark two-thirds of the way in - in a BIG way - but somehow not enough for me to hate it (and I'm a nit-picker when it comes to these things). A large part of this may be

Ultimate Computer
Not too much talk about "Ultimate Computer" so far?

He chews the scenery big time in "Ultimate Computer" too!

For some reason, I probably only saw "Omega Glory" once, many years ago. I knew about the stupid, stupid, stupid Declaration of Independence and U.S. flag reveal, but watching it last night, I had little memory of much of anything else in it.

I thought I might be misunderstanding the conversation. The noir trope makes me think of the Humphrey Bogart/Sam Spade/etc. movies in a slightly different light. Interesting!

@alurin - Good points. Come to think of it, Caesar's invasion of Gaul (and even Rome, I guess) and Hitler's invasion of Poland were declared "defensive" based on lies. And I don't know which image is more disturbing - heaps of concentration camp bodies or lines of crucifixions all along the Appian Highway.

@Mr. Barleycorn -

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are in the same category, I'd say. Alexander and the Caesars (and many, many others were merely bloodthirsty tyrants. I'm no big fan of Napoleon, but I understand that he initially fought defensive wars and let the defeated states mostly run their own affairs (aside from taxes and

Good catch! I didn't even recognize him. His dislike of Spock's ears makes perfect sense now.

Cue Riley:

That's pretty much my daily routine.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the thread of the thread, but seems to me Kirk got beaten up plenty of times! It's right there in Shatner's contract: torn shirt and/or bloody lip in at least 25% of the shooting scripts.

I think Gill explains that he promoted fascism in order to bring the warring states of Ekos together before they annihilated themselves. One could argue that he was merely aiming for a benevolent dictatorship to ride out this part of Ekosian history, but as McCoy says, he failed to see that "absolute power corrupts

In my opinion, "Patterns" is just flat-out a bad episode. C- at best. Trek tries to become "Hogan's Heroes". It's not just that it takes on too heavy a burden in using Nazi Germany as a backdrop, but that it also tries (and fails miserably) to be comic. I mean, the writing is really poor in this one. As spicoli

I thought "Arena" was Vasquez Rocks. I guess that answers the question of where to find a desolate hellhole landscape - North of Malibu!