
@Tibber - Sorry, I misunderstood your meaning. Which episode had Kirk's memory erased? I don't remember that one.

Location. Location. Location.
A big thing in favor of "A Private Little War" is the rare (certainly at this point in the series) outdoors location shooting. Filming outside of the back lot really sells the few episodes where they had the money/time to do it. Imagine if they had used sets for "Shore Leave" or

Well, the sexiest (and as far as we can see, only) woman on the planet almost gets raped and is then killed at the end, escalating the war.

Well, it's about time they assigned someone to the ship who knows Vulcan physiology. No wonder Spock always resists being sent to (or kept in) sickbay - McCoy constantly seems to be winging it whenever Spock gets in trouble.

I'll stick with Big Kahuna Burger.

A Couple of Comments on A Piece O' the Action
This episode held up a lot better than I feared it would. It's actually an interesting story idea, and the laughs work just great. And as luck would have it, I caught Futurama's "Bender Gets Made" the same night (thanks to all of you who quote that show and drew it to

It sounds like an apocryphal story to me, but the DVD extras for the first James Bond movie claim that a publicist typed "Dr, No" instead of "Dr. No" for some press material in Japan, and thus the Japanese debut of James Bond was titled, "We Have No Need For A Doctor".

AGREED. This shit started tonight and it's really pissing me off.

Spock's line, "You have just used a double-negative" made me chuckle. The grammar police are alive and well in the 23rd century. And for good reason.

The kids I hang out with in school are a bunch of morons. What can I say?

I don't think Zack is watching the new CGI-ified versions, Richelieu. While I really wish that the DVDs I have used the original SFX, the GFSA looked just as I remembered it. Of course, the entirely-black viewscreen looks just the way I remembered it too.

Get started on the screenplay, Tits. I'm strictly an "Ideas Guy".

@Bunj - Extra cool if the starship design was art-deco.

With "Solaris" still in mind from another recent AV Club article, it would be a blast to combine ideas from "Immunity Syndrome" with "Shore Leave" and create a dark, Solaris-type Trek episode (especially with a crew of 430 - wow!).

The Native American episodes could be defended as reflecting any basic, mostly agrarian culture. Plus, it provided an opportunity for Kirk to shack up with the Land'O'Lakes girl.

Immunity Syndrome Biology 101
Don't want to sound like a snickering 13-year-old, but the way they constantly described entering and infiltrating the GFSA, I halfway expected the Enterprise to become a father by the end of the episode. Imagine a GFSA with pointy ears…

I read Spock's comment a little differently. To my mind, Spock is simply stating to McCoy that he shouldn't feel offended about not being allowed to go on the mission, since it would have ended right then if he had. Also, you can read it as Spock emphasizing that he doesn't have a martyr complex and doesn't *want*

How about Bester's "The Stars My Destination?" That could make a good, somewhat lyrical, movie and has enough action to engage the "blow stuff up real good" crowd.
My Pop once tried to adapt it into a screenplay, but didn't get very far.

Maybe the dialogue should be changed a bit.

@Prole - I still don't quite see it as being creepy in this episode (as I said earlier, Shahna is a trained fighter with the keys to Kirk's cell), but I agree that the series too often takes the tack of "the girl swoons at Kirk's charms and defies her people, only to be discarded at the end of the show". Your points