

"All right, you primitive screwheads…listen up! This is my energy-to-matter transforming magic 18th century mirror! Available in the home decor aisle. Shop smart - shop S-Mart."

Depends - how many Quatloos to open? And it's Lonnegan. Doyle Lonnegan, Mr. Sporkwielder. I suggest you remember that or find yourself another game.

A defector dish is also something that Sean Connery had in "From Russia With Love".

Cool. "A Piece of the Action" and "The Immunity Syndrome". Far from the greatest episodes ever, but should be fun to revisit.

Stunt Doubles
One of the things that surprised me about an episode centered on gladiatorial combat was that I didn't catch any obvious stunt doubles in the fights. A nice change of pace!

I once dated a girl who looked a lot like Patty Duke. Both points of the lyric held true.

Tune In Next Week
Zack - I'm assuming you're tackling comic gangsters and giant amoebas next week?

Nah. She was in charge of his training, had the keys to the cell, and obviously wasn't too bright. He didn't just hit on her - he actually hit her and made his (temporary) escape.

What I'm Wondering Right Now Is…
How will this affect…him…Al Franken?

As a nice feature, the menus of each of the 2008 DVDs has the episode playback ordered by broadcast, but each one has a notation of the actual production order of each episode next to it, so it should be easy to watch them in whatever order you choose. I'm assuming the new BluRay for Season 1 does this too.

Addendum to the above:

@Richelieu - This may be more detail than you need, but here's my experience.

That makes sense.

@Mr. ZipCode - Several of us are going away for the weekend and we've beamed all of our tribbles into your home. Come on, that's a great episode.

I've got the newly remastered DVDs (but the BluRay option of offering both the Lucas or original versions is ideal), and I'm really pleased with them. On the older DVDs, they still did a good job of cleaning up the film, although the space sfx shots looked really beat up in contrast with remastered film, almost like

Makes me feel much better about neglecting my yardwork for the past couple of weeks.
And M. Night Shyamalan is probably pounding his forehead into his desk right now yelling, "Of course! Giant space plants! Why didn't I think of that!?!"

I was just coining the phrase "Playboy Planet" to describe what Bloch has going on in the setting of this episode. It would probably be a good description for Dr. Strangelove's planned War Room Bunker, though!


To Garrovick's credit, as a security officer he's professional and handles the debriefing with Captain Jerk in an intelligent and matter-of-fact manner. Unlike most of the guards, who usually stand there looking stupid (those who live long enough to stand around a bit, anyway).