
@Mr. ZipCode

Just so long as neither of them have to wear a silver bikini.

Obsession…For Captains
A couple of additional fun observations on "Obsession":

Wolf in the Fold
Robert "Catspaw/Wolf in the Fold" Bloch's work on Trek doesn't exactly make me want to run out and read "Psycho". Is that book any good, or is this guy just a hack?

Agree that the DS9 Tribbles should be covered. It's even paired up as a bonus feature on the newest TOS DVDs. They way they were able to seamlessly insert the DS9 characters into the original footage still blows my mind.

I sure as hell don't want to be known as an apologist for Space Hippies, but "The Way To Eden" did have an interesting premise that was completely (and laughably) botched. DC Fontana wrote the original script, with McCoy's daughter as one of the hippies and Kirk starting up a flirtation with her. Fontana took her

Right on the money, edked.

Another good Ahab is Matt Decker in "The Doomsday Machine". And it's funny that the end of "Obsession" recalls the end of Doomsday so clearly - the music, the fact that Kirk is standing at the brink of death staring down the approaching vampire cloud, calmly talking into his communicator, waiting to be beamed up,

alurin, I imagine that decades from now, when you're on your death bed, someone will ask, "Do you want a priest?" and you'll reply, "No…show me The Gamesters of Triskelion!"

So, you're saying that Radiohead is the only band you can think of?

Funny, I was thinking the same thing while watching "Friday's Child". I realized that I didn't remember much of anything about the ep. and that I had probably only seen it once, while as a kid I saw the others many times over. Same thing with "A Private Little War", "The Omega Glory", and "The Empath" (although I

Good point. Maybe that's why Commodore Stacker in The Deadly Years wanted to get to the Starbase so damned fast - "Holy crap…they have me wearing a red shirt!"

Make that Redshirt Curse. I don't want to know what the Redshit Curse might be, but I'm sure McCoy could find a cure for it.

I must have missed that bit. Although even a superninja security guard probably doesn't stand a chance. I think that somebody pointed out in a past review thread that even Scotty gets "killed" a couple of times and isn't immune to the Redshit Curse.


There's a great riff with the Scottish dad in "So I Married an Axe Murderer".

Another pot shot to take at the script is to notice that they describe how dangerous and warlike the planet folk are, but send down just one redshirt. When he's immediately killed for drawing his phaser, Kirk defends him by saying, "He was young and inexperienced!"

McCoy's Medical Book
It's great when McCoy says he's adding punching his patients in the face to his list of treatment options. (I can see it now - "Is that absolutely necessary?" "Yes, I'm afraid it is…")

But first, the Tranya…

Hats off to Paul. My favorite lyric of all time.