
Route 66
Route 66, folks.

While not as good as the first two, "Alien 3" is pretty solid, except for the really, really crappy CGI alien - which often looks like a cartoon.

Great Primer
That's the most thorough and complete Primer I've ever seen. You folks should do more of these.

One of the best fistfights ever filmed (despite the obvious stunt doubles) was when Kirk beat the shit out of Finnigan. Cheered it as a kid, and it still makes me grin.

1967. And I still have all my vinyl and VHS tapes.

Rawhide is absolutely right. When I heard they were rebooting the series with "Casino Royale" and Bond at the start of his 007 career, I was praying they'd set it in the right time period. Nope. (The new movies are still the best ones since Connery's days, though).

Thanks for the tip on this and the link to the site. I just spent an hour and a half going through the "web extra" videos. Instant fan. I watched Siskel and Ebert for years and I have to admit these guys are better.

I wanted to marry this woman I know.
Her name was Haunani Ho.
I asked my papa, but my papa said,
"No. Haunani is your sister, but your mama don't know."

@Joel - If you're talking about the ultra-low budget but kinda mindblowing time machine movie "Primer", the director/writer/etc. says in the DVD commentary that he meant it to be "primmer", but most folks pronounced it "prime-mer" so he let it go.

Now that I think of it, there wasn't that much on-screen damage in the original series either…more like dim lighting = the ship is in trouble. But we have "The Doomsday Machine" and a look at what *could* happen to a starship.

Alurin - Bingo! Nicely put. Kirk always understood that the actions of a few folks don't represent the entire "race" or "species". Then again, it isn't unheard of for smart people to get more right-wing as they get older.

Nick Meyer was brilliant with his Trek space battles. Made space ships into ye olde sailing ships. Lose the shields, and you've got yourself an exciting fight.

Seeing that they had no problem re-doing the SFX for the DVDs of the original series, it would be awesome if they slapped all-new 21st-century animation behind the animated show's audio.

Robin Curtis did just fine as Saavik. She's also more attractive than Alley or (especially) Cattrall.

"Shatening" is perfect just as it is. Mr. Barleycorn has a new and I'll bet long-term addition to the lexicon with that one.

Great job, Zack. Thanks. Good post-game discussions too. This has been a lot of fun.

I hope this doesn't start a trend of epic strung-together posts, but that was awesome, Jim. What about the music?

Traveller? Really? That's incredibly cool.

Shoes for Industry!