
Space Jefferson Davis was on the Rock Lobster feed a couple of weeks ago. He stabbed Siddhartha in the throat with a pen, but Charlemagne smashed his skull in with a blacksmith's hammer. Gwyneth Paltrow is in the ad for next week's show.

@alurin - You're dead right, and you put it well. The lack of conflict among the crew was just…boring. If I remember, Tasha Yar was a bit of a loose cannon, but mostly just came across as a bitch. I did like Picard (Stewart has real charisma and acting chops, after all), but the rest of the cast was bland. They

@drdarkeny -Prole is right, "Devil in the Dark" and "Mirror, Mirror" are terrific. But your other points are good ones. Context is important and a future world where ethnicity wasn't an issue but was still be something to be proud of (Scotty, Chekov, Uhura, Sulu, and O'Reily all bring it up) was groundbreaking.

JimZipCode- That's an excellent question that's already prompted some very good responses. Here's my take:

Ummm…"Zetar" not Shari Lewis. Shari Lewis, from the little I've seen, is merely vaguely annoying.

Scared me as a kid too. Very creepy.

The network's decision to throw their concept of Haight-Ashbury onto the Enterprise in "The Way To Eden" is enough to make you unplug your TV for a month, although the idea of Spock finally finding a bunch of musicians he can jam with is cool. Setting the awful music aside, it's a middle-of-the road third season

Anyone Know What the Hell Happened to Lucky McKee?
I know they fired him before he finished filming an adaptation of the book "Red", but that's about it. The guy should get a lifetime pass for "May" and "Roman" (and a tip of the hat to Angela Bettis too).

Richeliu - Close the window and just let it go. Then back away from the computer slowly. I assure you, you'll feel good about the decision.

Yep, Generic Poster is on the money. Seeing it as a kid, I thought it was brilliant. And after enduring some pretty ridiculous costumes over the course of the show, the stark black and white characters stand out. It is kind of boring now, though.

Phase IV
Phase IV is a much better "organized bug army" movie, but Kingdom scared the hell out of me as a kid. Then again, most everything scared me as a kid. But, hey, Cap'm Kirk fighting tarantulas…

Until the Batgirl franchise gets off the ground, how about the story of an ordinary schlub who ends up dating Lois Lane after Superman throws her to the curb?

Sometimes it's good to know you've always been an idiot and it isn't just some frightening recent development. I honestly never before caught the title's Helen of Troy pun. I haven't felt this dumb since I set a bunch of turkeys free from a helicopter.

I haven't re-watched this yet - is there more starship zappin' in the "new and improved" CGI version of the episode, or are you talking about the original?

As good a reason as any to renew my card.

Frank Gorshin almost sells the idea, though. While the "you're half black on the wrong side" metaphor is as subtle as a club with nails in it, I thought it was brilliant when I was 10. The absurdity of it works in its favor.

Substitute Terri Garr, Barbara Babcock, Yvonne Craig, Susan Oliver, and a couple of others and you've practically got yourself a gas station calendar.

Wrong. Mariana Hill as Dr. Helen Noel in "Dagger of the Mind". (Hartley and the Android could easily tie for second, though).

Plus, we'll eventually get to the First Cylon War, where the fleet gets to trade punches instead of hiding all the time.

Rich kids did this during the 1980s too, only the religion that time was called The Grateful Dead.