House of El

She'll get promoted, like Sue Storm. "The Woman Next Door." Or maybe "The Girl in *This* Door." It's hard to say.

There's a guy on the new season of Big Brother who is totally a Dave, playing up his 1/16 Native American thing. (Why is it never "I'm 1/16 British" pride?)

Surely you mean "Novi Eboraci," @AlbinoHorseEye:disqus .

So when she thought he was asking for two more, he was actually asking for *five* more? :)

I grieve for the "pulled pork" jokes that might have arisen from Alex visiting Dexter's Miami.

'Twixt my nethers!

Just imagine the number of people who have already died since the invasion began. At least the older people in that scene would have long ago come across a tradeoff between burying the anonymous dead and staying alive/with enough energy to run at a moment's notice.

Good point. I had figured she had gotten merely a title promotion from being the ad-hoc top medic, but if, instead, what happened was that she apprenticed her way across the finish line, that's awesome. She finished med school with Anne Glass. That's pretty cool.

I will say that I enjoyed the way it was phrased. Not "asleep" (which would create all sorts of problems for their Wikipedia page) but rather the more appropriate and intriguing (since it's presented as temporary) "dead."

One would think loos would get porcelain thrones.

A cameo might be loomin'.

I tune in for "hair suspense": What will Quinn's head look like this time? :)

They listened to us when we complained that no one keeps their bra on *during*—but then we got hand-bra instead.

I guess you could say she is now "down under."

A good telltale sign would be if she *stops* swearing :)

I've always enjoyed the (unexpected, to me) use of minutes and seconds as subunits of arc.

When you put it that way, it does sound very appealing. I was afraid that the show was chickening out on giving us repercussions. Deb cutting off communications allows the show to drop the whole thing about her being in love with him (not that it ever was that great a plot, but still; then again, the "previouslies"

I suppose the passage of time was more to explain Deb's new job. At first I did think it was to skip over the aftermath of LaGuerta's death.

In the scene where Jess was crying, at first, when her eyes (or, more properly, those of the actress) were just welling up, the visual was unaltered by CGI. It was only when the tears left the eyes, so to speak, that they turned red. (I doubt this matters at all, but I couldn't help thinking about it, especially as it

Did Eric not want the woman to drink his blood so she wouldn't have a permanent connection with him?