House of El

When her great-grandaunt visits, Niecy's name gets really long.

The quality of the piece we heard makes more sense now—it would be odd for a TV show to focus so much energy on the quality of a poem spoken by a non-main character.

It is his design.

My rheum-mate would love this movie, I bet.

Rather, it *is* smoked?

"and I just read the room"

And, as you say re: Titanic and Avatar, I'm no longer compelled to watch whatever her next project is, not after that shark movie and even the successful 911 movie. I miss "Boomerang" times!

I thought for sure we were in an "Emma" situation where the dude (Mac) assumed *Bay* was his date.

Phi Beta Cannabis, LOL.

Maybe it has to do with a Reverse Stripper. Not a dude who puts clothes on, but rather one who shows up with dollar bills stuck to him and hidden in his person.

"Can we get a mammal next time?"

So I take it the female lead doesn't transform at will into marijuana? You fooled me, title!

"There’s a really strange disclaimer at the outset of the pilot that nearly derailed the show before it even had the chance to start. Not sure why it’s there, and I hope subsequent airings don’t feel the need to have it."

Me, too, and I realized it last night. "The Fosters" seems more likely to be doing more than one thing at once at any given moment (e.g., Jude's interjected question about Stef and Lena holding hands: it tied together the "be yourself" talk to the "preventing bed-death" concerns).


Indeed! The lack of hysterics this show has been displaying is commendable, as is the way it almost matter-of-factly tackles even the thorniest of issues (morning-after pill for teens, on this channel!).

They always tell me "Go toward the Sun." What the fuck?

The new title has no hope of being as succinct. "Babies Delivered to the Right Parents, As One Would Hope," tonight on ABC Family!

"a stretch"

LOL at "other"